Normally I just sit back and let people treat me however they'd like.
I allow people to walk all over me , and I never turned it into an issue.
Lately I've been pointing things out that people do that I find to be rude ,
or plain out sickening. I've been there for way to many people ,
and personally I don't think that it's right at all to treat me with any
less respect than I treat you with. At the beginning of this year
I became friends with someone who I found to be completely
innocent. A sweet girl , who I would never in a million years
turn into the person she has today. I think me and her learned
a lot from eachother , as any other friends would , and I definitly valued
our friendship. She always knew how to make me laugh and I felt a little better
after confiding in her about things that had been going on in my life.
Like any other person I watched what I told her , and made sure to
keep conversation to a minimum since I didn't know how she was
with the whole gossip bullshit. Although , I did love her a lot. She always seemed
to be happy and I love people like herself. I considered her a decent girl.
I was very , very wrong. Suddenly once she has made her way into my "group" of friends
, she has seemed to forget about me. Again , I'll ask , am I translucent?
I've been thinking about that a lot lately.
She has changed entirely in the few months we have been friends.
Transforming right before my eyes into a careless person ,
who wouldn't mind if I never ever hung out with her again,
of course as long as she stays in the group she is in now.
Maybe I'm all wrong. Maybe she didn't forget about me
and I just look at things differently than others. All I know is , I think it's pretty
scummy to just change your attitude to someone once you've found
others to hang out with. I guess I've sold out. It was bound to happen.
It's alright though. People like her only make my skin a little thicker.
Eventually people like her won't even have an effect on me.
Soon enough people like her won't even make me feel
as if I need to waste my time on a livejournal entry. Soon enough I'll look at HER as if she's translucent.
Soon enough I'll be the strong person I've always looked up to , right before your eyes just
as you transformed right before mine.
Wanna see a magic trick? Watch me dissapear when you're crying that
your friends just ditched you and you're home on a friday
night sobbing to your fake myspace friends.