Jul 14, 2005 17:14
im feeling soooo much better today. hangovers just suck, a lot. BUT oh well, it was totally worth it!
this morning i woke up at 8:00, because my dogs wont shut the hell up in the morning. i dont know what gets them going, but they just sit in the hall and bark, non-stop.
so me and melissa♥ have already decided that since she cant come to CO this summer, she is coming over winter break. and we are going snowboarding and partying, obv. i go to CT in 12 DAYS. i wish i was going like, tomorrow, but hey at least im going. im excited to meet everyone [her friends], and just mainly to see melissa! WOOT WOOT, we're going paintballing with adam; that should be interesting.
today i volunteered, and then went to graemes. haha, we watched snowboarding movies the whole time, but its was so crazyy. its amazing what the pros can do! he's teaching me how to snowboard this winter, im pretty excited about that. my mom said she'll get me a season pass to winter park and copper, so i'll be able to go whenever i want. hopefully she'll buy me a snowboard, since im not growing anymore. im thinking she might because she said [when i used to ski] that she'd eventually buy me skis once i stopped growing, so maybe she'll do the same for this, since im not growing anymore. me and graeme talked about how big of a bitch i was back in elementary. i guess you could say i wasnt too nice to him, but oh well, im so glad im friends with him now; hes so chill.
tonight im going shopping, hopefully. my mom is taking a nap or something, and im assuming shes going to wake up grumpy, so who knows it that'll really happen or not. we're going to denver on saturday to go shopping, thank god. i actually have money for it too, so i think im going to buy some hollister jeans♥. or possibly lucky jeans, which i am in love with, they are just kind of on the expensive side.