Hello, I'm your martyr, will you be my gangster?

Feb 21, 2006 16:22

can you feel my trigger hand, moving further down your back?
when you hide, hide inside that body
but just remember that when I touch you
the more you shake, the more you give away

Good song right there ^

Sort of eventfull day in the life and times of Jessica...considering how boring and uneventfull my life really is.

I had an appoitment with my physiatrist this morning at 10am. This may not seem very early to some of you, but this is very early to me. Bah. But I actually love talking to her so it wasn’t that bad. So what we resolved this time was that I really want to start taking horse back riding lessons again. I absolutely love horses more than life its self. I think they are the most beautiful, magnificent animals ever created by God or other wise. The point is I love them.
The other more important point though was that I needed to find something that is just my own. She says that I'm a little too connected and dependant on my friends (yes that means you too Jared). She asked me if I was on a dessert island what I would have with me. The first thing that popped into my head was my friends. She shot that down and said no people. So I said my computer (and somehow a connection to the internet on a dessert island) and/or my cell phone so I could at least keep in contact with my friends. To this she says no electronics. Beyond that I couldn’t think of any thing. How horrible is that! That that is what my life has come down to!! Ugh.
So when I couldn’t think of anything she started making suggestions like, art supplies, paints and clay and such, books, or animals like a dog to play with. When she said that I though if a dog why not a horse? She said that’s great! So, she suggested that I talk to a friend and start taking lessons. To that I said I wouldn’t even need a friend to do it with I would ride horses all day every day in the rain or snow, with a bunch of strangers a bunch or friends or all alone, just me and the horse. You should have seen her face she was so proud. Haha

Right so after that I had to rush home and write a paper for my aerobics class that was due last week (my bad). So, I finished the paper in plenty of time and I though it was actually pretty good for being written in 35 minutes. (By the way, just for reference, this was a one credit class so the last day of the class was today.) So, I get to class and I try to hand the paper into her and she just looks at me and says I’m not accepting any late papers, no exceptions at all. Wow. She was so serious I didn’t even think of try to argue it with her so I backed off. Now I’m thinking; well crap. 50% of the class was participation, I missed one class. 25% was a multiple choice test given today that I think I did good on. The final 25% you ask? Oh yeah that paper that I'm getting a ZERO on. Yup. Only a fuck up like me can possibly fail a class like Aerobics. My parents are going to kill me so good. Whatever.

So on my way home from said Aerobics class in a, to say the least, not so good mood, I'm driving down M-24 and there is the purple PT cruser in front of me. For whatever reason I'm completely transfixed by the beautiful dark-ish purple and semi-sparkly back hatch of this PT curser. As I'm looking at it I realize that I can see the sky and the clouds reflection in the curser. So I'm staring at the purple clouds and I'm thinking that has got to be one of the prettiest thingies I have ever seen in my entire life.
Note to readers-I was not under the influence when this happened I'm just naturally weird. Thank you.

Then when I got home from class I had to go to quiznose to get the sandwich chart I have to memorize by Friday when I'm going back in. Then at that point I'm assuming we write my schedule and such. Not looking forward to working, but definitely looking forward to pay checks. Sigh.

Now I'm back at home (Duh, right?). I got to pretend to do some home work for a while to make my crazy parents happy so I can go out and about this evening.

Blah blah blah. Right? You don’t have to read this whole post if you don’t want to. Oh my gosh! Here is an idea! Why don’t you just ask me about my day and this is what I will tell you, mmk?!
That sounded mean. I'm not mean. I love you all with all my heart and you know it.

Oh! I almost forgot! So something definitely died somewhere in my garage and it smells SOOO BAD! Every time I came home and left today, witch was a bunch of times, I would have to smell it. Ugh. It is really bad. Why you guys had to know that I do not know but there you go anyways.
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