Feb 07, 2006 17:16
I feel like updating.
I havent in a while.
I'm tired of drama. I'm done.
I dont really have any thing else to say to you people.
Yeah, so if I could sum up my life in one word right now it would be: boring.
I cant wait to get a job just so I will have something to do. And of course I would be making some extra money too. I have basicly been living off of my savings latly. Witch is fine for now bacause I have plenty of money saved up from when I had I job in high school and birthday and christmas money. But, I would really like to be putting money into that account insted of just taking it out.
So that paragraph was pointless, dont read that, really, dont^
omg I really want to find my Tomagatch! Ok how do you spell that? You know what I'm talking about!
Ok, my mother is driving me crazy!! So, dose any one want to get an apartment with me? Really. If any one right now could afford to go in with me on an apartment I will.
Ok well I could ramble on for a while longer here but I have been ordered by God to go to Sero's.