(no subject)

Mar 10, 2005 23:05

Can you feel your heart-beat racing,
Can you taste the fear in her sweat.
You've done this wrong
It's too far gone

PS. My birthday is in 8 days.
    Hm, Yea I know your jealouse.

Current mood: Tired.
Current music: Fresh Prince of Bel Air. 
Current taste: Peanut M & M’s
Current hair: Bun.
Current clothes: White tank top && orange boxers.
Current annoyance: That I cant sleep.
Current smell: Peanut
Current thing I ought to be doin: Taking a shower.
Current windows open: None. The air is on:]
Current desktop picture: A bulldozer that says heart breaker.
Current favorite band: At the moment. Bayside or Head automatica.
Current book: To kill a mockingbird.
Current cd in stereo: None.
Current crush: You’ll never find out. ;]
Current favorite celeb: Nicole Ritchie.
Current hate: Its really mean. I’m not saying.

=Do I=
Smoke?: No.
Do drugs?: Nope.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Um no.
Remember your first love?: I never had a love.
Still love him/her?: Don’t love anyone.
Read the newspaper?: Umm no.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Weston && Andrew lol.
Actually Believe in miracles?: No.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yea.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Sure.
Consider love a mistake?: No, I consider love an excuse to ruin someone’s life.
Like the taste of alcohol?: Um some.
Have a favorite candy?: Peanut M&M’s

Believe in astrology?: Hmm.
Believe in magic?: IN A YOUNG GIRLS HEART <3
Believe in god?: Undecided.
Have any pets: Smudge, My cat.

Go to or plan to go to college: Yes. =)
Have any piercings?: No.
Have any tattoos?: nah. Not attractive.
Hate yourself: Um. I hate how I look && act sometimes. But look all the time.

Do they know yet?: I’m pretty sure they know.
Have a best friend?: Yea, not saying who because it will start drama.

Wish on stars?: .All the time.

Care about looks?: Yes. But its not all I care about.

=first times=
First crush: Johnny a 15 year old when i was like 3.Haha.
First kiss: Dustin, Third grade.
Single or attached?: Single.
Ever been in love?: No.
Do you believe in love at first sight?:  Umm no.

Do you believe in "the one?": heh? umm.
Describe your ideal significant other: Perfect.

=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: No.
Have you ever been intoxicated?: Yeah
Favorite place to be kissed?: ....The neck
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": I don’t do "stuff" lol
Are you a tease?: well I don’t think so. lol
Shy to make the first move?: Yeah.

=Word association=
Rubber: Shoe.
Rock: Hard.
Green: Soup.
Wet: blanket.
Cry: Karen.
Peanut: Butter.
Hay: Hoe.
Cold: Bear.
Steamy: Shower.
Fast: Foot.
Freaky: Penis.
Rain: Drops.
Bite: The used.
Religion: God.

Hair: Brunette.
Eyes: Hazel.
Height: Like 5'2 or something.

Bought: I cant remember.

Ate Ate &Drank: Pizza&Seria Mist.
Read: Instant message from: Autumn

club or houseparty: house party
beer or cider: cider.
drinks or shots: shots.
cats or dogs: puppies!
single or taken: Single.
pen or pencil: Pen
gloves or mittens: Mittensss
food or candy: canddyy
cassette or cd: CD
coke or pepsi: Diet Coke.
This or that: That.

kill: This girl named Sarah in my history class. Fucking bitch.

get really wasted with: Your dad.
look like: Antoinette Brooks
be like: Nicole Ritchie.
avoid: My ugly penis licking dad. :]]

talked to: My mom.
hugged: Autumn.
instant messaged: Kiley.

kissed: Tanner. EWWWWWW

eat: My living room. Or computer.
cry: On Veronicas couch.
wish you were: Lindsey’s bed, Its really comfy.=)

Dated one of your best friends? guy best friends? Um no.
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Not. Enough with the love questions!
Drank alcohol? yes.
Done drugs? uhm..yes.
Broken the law? no? ok yes.
Run away from home: I packed a Barbie suite case went in the drive way then came inside.
Broken a bone: Yess.Legg.
Played Truth Or Dare? Yes.
Kissed someone you didn't really know? Yeah. :/
Been in a fight? Hahah with Erick. Bring it hoe!

--WHAT IS:--
The most embarrassing CD in your collection: Mary Kate & Ashley/Brother for sale. lolol
Your bedroom like?: Gay.
Your favorite thing for breakfast? I don’t eat breakfast but when i do.Hashbrownies loljkI like hashbrowns!
Your favorite restaurant?: Subway!

What's on your bedside table?:A fan.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: Pent butter?
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: Peter Pan.
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: My body.
What is your biggest fear: Getting raped.
What feature are you most insecure about?: I’m fat.
Do you ever have to beg?: Yes. With my parents.
Are you a pyromaniac?:

Do you have too many love interests?: No.
Crushes? No i only have one.
Do you know anyone famous?: My da that’s my heroes I love him with my soul! If you knew me. You would know I was being Extremely sarcastic.
Describe your bed: LOVELY
Spontaneous or plain?:  I think plain.
What do you carry with you at all times?: my house keys.
How do you drive?: not..
What do you miss most about being little?: Not caring about what you look like, or how people think you look.
Are you happy with your given name?: Ew god no.

What color is your bedroom?: white.
What was the last song you were sum play: Wtf?
Who are your best friends?: SHUT THE FUCK UP IM NOT GUNNA TELL YA.

Do you talk a lot?: Yes :]
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: No.
Do you think you're cute?: No wtf.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? not, I feel bad for them.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: Umm I don’t Know
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: friends.
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: I laugh then I say awe how cute.
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