heyyyy I really hope I don't fail my global test tomorrow =]! I really also hope I stop being dumb in math & spanish; yeah that'd be cool. WOW AND I REALLY HOPE I HAVE ONE GOOD DAY OUT OF THE WHOLE CHRISTMAS BREAK what am I sayinngg; I willll. pshhh. I fucking hope I will. ;). I really hope I hang out with my loves- kelley & Gina also over break because it'd be stupid if I didn't. I also hope I can stop breaking out on my face, yeah thats getting annoying now. hey this entry was gay and obnoxious, cute. It would be totally awesome if I go totally awesome comments, really it would. I neeeed somee freshhh princee in my life. I ♥ that fucker. =] ohmiigawshh CHRISTMAS IS COMING GUYS LIKE NIOOCEEE I swear to god I have no effing clothes its ridic. hehehehehezzzz