Everyone that HASNT commented on my FRIENDS CUT LIST has UNTIL TOMORROW NIGHT TO COMMENT. i do not CARE if we are CLOSE buds. Don't comment.You .Are.off.The.List.End of deal.Here are the people that ARE safe. If you HAVE a reason for not being able to comment sooner,then IM ME and i may accept it.
Safe List
anorexiccowboy _saru diabolism_fuck technochee __kaledrina__ spiritualcramp_ catbrains and_my_way idiotparanoia br0k3n_dr3am5 machiavellist __pierrot eien_yuki_zutto nightmare_waltz _____phax dramatae Vanilla_Megami NathanMocks punk_miaka mua shikyoremix shinpiteki chibi_eve pretty_kozi skasumi xsoxveryxalonex Mr_Fxxker twissiemasochistblooddeath2penguinssugarcult_cookinchantedsakuraPinklittlepill If your name is NOT on this list.Then heh. Consider yourself gone if you dont comment by tomorrow at 9 pm central :D..