today is my last day of summer ;/
im gonna miss staying up til 4 am chatting it up with kevin. blagh. ;/
ah, i got my kitten. i believe its a girl. im not sure yet. they found the kittens. and they didnt have a momma kitty with them. so the kitten is only like 4/5 weeks old. very small! its all black & it has white on its stomache and feet. and then it has a little white spot on its mouth ;x my sister also got a kitten, i payed for it. which i wasnt planning on it. but oh well. hers is like, black and has white patches all over it. so now we have, a dog, 3 cats&a hamster. lmao, my kittie is sleeping on my lap right now. ^_^ ♥
sitting in the basement by annebelles food/water. ♥
hm. my mom fell on her foot, as if i told you before. she only broke 3 small bones. yeah. i knew it. i kept telling her but nobody listens to me.
Oh yeah, i forgot. my baby.. earlier, i was watching my sisters kitten and mine, and i went I fell asleep, & the kitten went to the bathroom in the litter box, so im proud ;] ALSO!! the kitten got tired, and the funny thing is, she fell asleep in the litter box, so I had to give her a bath cause she had POOP on her leg. ♥