♥Name: Laura
♥Location: Newton, NC
♥Age: 18 in 8 dayssss =D
♥Best quality? i'm pretty chill about most things
♥Worst quality? i contradict myself waaaay too much. and i think too much. it makes me sad.
♥Best feature? my eyes
♥..worst? i have no butt
♥likes: breakdowns. moshing [not the 'pushpush kind'. the 'punching air' kind.] sXe kids. driving my pontiac. scanning cds at walmart and dancing. my best friends.
♥hates: liars. people who are fake. people who act like they're 'oh so emo/scene/hardcore/whatevaa'. morning breath [still]. the taste in my retainer when i wake up. people who start shit for no reason.
♥Bands: signed: funeral for a friend. maylene and the sons of diaster. neon blonde. the sound of animals fighting. bright calm blue. secret lives of the freemasons. beach boys.
local: the silence before the fall. murder x midnight. zombie gutz. pax imperia.
♥Books:I really only read books for school. That's sad :(
♥Movies:V for Vendetta. Gattica. Elephant. High School Musical + any other disney classic
♥Food: anything really. bojangles gravy biscuits = yum!
♥Color: pink. ahhh my prom dress is going to be pink ♥. yeah. i'm excited!
♥views on♥
♥Drugs/Alcohol/Sex: i have experimented with drugs, and found the outcome not so great. i get drunk, but every once in a blue moon. sex is great, but only if you share it with someone you care about.
♥Pop Music: n*sync, bsb, spice girls, and britney spears will always hold a place in my heart
♥Abortion: i think the option should be open, and i don't really know what i would do in that sort of predicament.
♥The Mod *GIGGLE*: tiffany is prettypretty, and i still haven't met her :(
♥Homosexuality: i'm friends with people of the homosexual nature. i don't necessarily agree with it, but i don't let it bother me either.
♥Anything else you feel strongly about: not really
..anything you'd like to share? my birthday is in 8 daysssss!
♥amuse us:
♥Reasons why we should accept you: because you already have :D
♥Where will you/did you promote us to? in my infooo
♥Where did you hear about us? miss tiffany herself!
Clear Picture of your face. please have more than 3
i'm in the white.
in the grey&red