get down with my shoes on!

Jun 23, 2006 12:11

Name: Ali
Age: 19
Location: Montrose, Pennsylvania
Birthday: Sept. 17, 1986
Myspace link: DELETED IT.
Orientation: straight
Single/Taken: Taken
If taken, pictures:

Five likes:
1. Kittens
3. Photography
4. Working
5. Drawing
Eight top bands:
1. Cute is what we aim for
2. Hellogoodbye
3. Dropkick Murphys
4. The Matches
5. The Distillers
6. Emery
7. Alkaline Trio
8. Trophy Scars
Three to Five favorite movies:
1. Ancor Man
2. The Ringer
3. The 40 Year Old Virgin
Two books: The Neverending Story & To Kill a Mocking Bird
One quote: "Pickles are cucumbers soaked in evil"

Five dislikes:
1. Humid Air
2. Spinage
3. Cottage CHEESE.
4. PeOpLe WhO TyPe LyKe DiSssss
5. Pt Cuizers.
Three bands:
1. 50 cent. not a band just hate him
2. Fall out boy - Live
3. anything country. :P
Two movies:
1. The Break-up (Ending sucked)
2. Brokeback mountian
Two books: the ooze, the one last thing.

If you could go anywhere in the universe, where would you go & why?: to japan. its such a neat country, i would be able to get away with alot of things. and i would be able to see where all our stuff is made. JAPAN IS COOL!
If you could be anything for a day what would you be and why?: I would be a person.. Johnny Depp. OMG SEXXY. Id prolly just stare at my gorgous body and be obessed with myself. :) u know you would :)
Most outrageous thing you and your friends have done?: One time a while ago me n my friend dan went swimming in a pool that still had a thin sheet of ice over it. HA. ITWASSOCOLLD!
Do you like your family? Why or why not?: (insert picture[s] at bottom if you want.) I love my family. My parents are devorced. My sister ran away and my brother lives with a 20 year old girl who is pregnate (he is like 27) he has 2 kids he never see's and my sister hates everyone but me. ha. id say its a little fucked up but thats me..
What is your favorite thing about yourself & why?: My personality. I always know how to cheer people up and make them laugh. Its one thing i actually do like about myself besides my eyes :)
What is your least favorite thing about yourself & why?: my stomach. it looks fat. and there was a rumer i was preg. but its been like that forever. and it wont go away. its not HUGGEE or ne thing i just need to watch what i eat sometimes. :P
Do you drink or smoke?: NOPE. :)

Write whatever you want about yourself here:::
This is where we can really get to know you, so spice it up!
I wrote a lot about my family and how messed up they are. I have a boyfriend his name is Josh. HEs 18. I have 4 pets. 3 cats; Friskey, Scratchy and Mercedes. 1 Dog Hooch. Hes a bullmastif. BUT A BIG PUSSY.
I love photography. Ill be 20 in september. but i cant belive it. i act like a 12 year old sometimes but i dont ever see it. i used to drink/smoke/do alot of shit but then i relized how retarded it was and stoped. INSTANTLY.
I dont know much else to say. I had a old lj it was emopiirate i just wanted to start over and see if i can have friends who will actually comment my stuff. hasnt happened much yet.
this is the first community i have submited too. ♥

Bush: sorry, but I think that he is the WORST president we have ever had. he makes no since and more and more people keep dieing at war and what does he do.. AWW STAY IN. EFF THAT SHIT. i have lost 2 friends already and it sucks so bad. i hate how he talks and i dont like monkeys ne more.
Gay marriage: <3 do what you want. its love. if a girl loves a girl get married and if a boy loves a boy get married. its just like regualr love nothing wrong with it.
Abortion: i am against it to a point. if you were raped, then get an abortion. dont wait till your 8 months preg and say shit i dont want this baby anymore. and get rid of it. thats stupid.

Promote in three places, one being your own journal & NONE being those dumb promo communities!:::
(& show the links!)
1. ONE
2. TWO

Make us a promo banner! Show us your creative skills!:

Five or more of yourself:











Three or more of your friends:
(preferably with you in the picture)
i dont have any loaded with me in the picture also. but heres my bff liz:

o0o i found one: warped tour last year

150x200 for Members Page:::
(if cannot resize please provide the picture and we will resize it for you)

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