get down with my shoes on!

Jan 03, 2006 18:42

Name: Ashley
Age: 18
Location: Winthrop Ma.
Birthday: September 10th
Myspace link:
Orientation: straight
Single/Taken: Single
If taken, pictures:

Five likes: Being with my friends, Loud Music, Dancing, A good book, Playing my drums
Eight top bands: Death Cab for Cutie, Franz Ferdinand, Rock N Roll Soldiers, Hot Hot Heat, Panic at the Disco, The Subways, Postal Service, Modest Mouse
Three to Five favorite movies: The Breakfast Club, Stand by Me, Empire Records, American History X, Almost Famous
Two books: The Da Vinci Code, White Oleander
One quote: There must be millions of people all over the world who never get any love letters…I could be there leader. -Charlie Brown

Five dislikes: Ignorance, Racism, War, Dairy Products, Fighting with friends
Three bands: Fuel, Korn, System of a down
Two movies: Tumbleweeds, Bring it on Again
Two books: A portrait of the artist as a young man, Only one I can actually think of that I didn't like.

If you could go anywhere in the universe, where would you go & why?: I would go back to London, something about the atmosphere there makes me so happy. I love everything about London. I like the history and the people and the sights.
If you could be anything for a day what would you be and why?:A male, because who doesn't want to know how the other half lives.
Most outrageous thing you and your friends have done?: We once drove around in nothing but our underwear honking at people and singing at the top of our lungs. It is probably one of my favorite memories.
Do you like your family? Why or why not?: (insert picture[s] at bottom if you want.) I like my family, we have our problems but every family does. My dad and my mom aren't together so I don't see my dad often.
What is your favorite thing about yourself & why?: I like the fact that I am honest, I don't change who I am just to fit in with others and if someone dislikes me then so be it. I think it makes me a strong person.
What is your least favorite thing about yourself & why?: I don't like public speaking. I wish I could get over that so I could be more comfortable and what not.
Do you drink or smoke?: I drink occasionally. Smoking isn't for me.

Write whatever you want about yourself here:::
This is where we can really get to know you, so spice it up!
My friends are pretty much my family. They are there for me all the time, even when they know I'm wrong. I love to read, I'm somewhat of a book worm and I'm not ashamed of it. I love movies, I took a class once called America in Film and it made my whole year. I hate cheese, when I was younger I was forced to eat it and now I won't touch it. The stuff makes me gag. I love to sing, I'm not at all good but that doesn't stop me from doing it whenever I please. Dance Parties make me smile. I like to run, actually I'm a freaking running machine. Photography is amazing, I love taking pictures and I have like 30 albums. I'm extremely sarcastic and sometimes it gets me into trouble. I talk to my dog when no one is home. Her name is Abby and she is 3. I play the drums, I am not the greatest but I'm slowly learning. My sister is prettier than me and she has a great voice. It makes me want to kick her sometimes. I cry when I watch sad movies or listen to sad songs. I hate talking on the phone and I often come up with reasons why I can't stay on it. Sometimes I skip school just because I'm tired. I have a black belt in making people feel like I'm mad at them. I don't mean to but it happens...and I love zebras, such cool animals. That is all.

Bush: Not the biggest fan, I wish our president was able to make intelligent speeches and express himself gracefully. I think that the war is a mistake and I wish that the soldiers would come home. I don't know if I would do a better job but I am sure someone else would.
Gay marriage: I have no problem with gay marriage. I know gay people, I have gay friends and I fully support them. Gay people are still people, their getting married does not hurt anyone, it doesn't affect anyone directly so it shouldn't be an issue. You love who you love and you should be able to show it.
Abortion: I don't feel informed enough to state my opinion on this. I know in my heart that I would never be able to have an abortion but I have never talked to some one who has had one. I have never actually heard someone explain their reasons for doing so and I don't think it is right for me to judge them. As of now I am undecided.

Promote in three places, one being your own journal:::
(& show the links!)

Five or more of yourself:

Three or more of your friends:
(preferably with you in the picture)

150x200 for Members Page:::
(if cannot resize please provide the picture and we will resize it for you)

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