Sep 06, 2004 00:30
Is it normal to be so incredibly happy that just about anything anyone says whether it's a question on seasons, earthquakes, or if you have pennies in your register make you smile even more?
What the fuck is up with this world?
Why me?
I didn't do anything and yet I can't stop being so motherfucking god damned happy.
I miss my best friend. But as long as I know she is really happy with life right now, that leaves me content.
Two months ago, I made a post with simply four words.
Now, once again I repeat those words with a minor change.
Because uncertainty, is an excellent weapon of the mind.
Oh, and so I have decided to get an entirely new screen name for the new year, because I decided that on September 9th, a LOT will change. Things will go down, and I will love it.
So please delete every screen name except: ixneverexisted
and add
Porfiirio Diaz
& if you have any clue where that comes from, then you and i belong together.
and if you don't, look it up, and then we will belong together.
(& there's two i's because the original one was taken...those fucks.)
(& no, it's not a tribute to the mexican historical figure, so guess again)