you're just jealous cause we're young and inlove

Jun 27, 2005 20:32

Last night sucked so bad. It was wicked hot and I couldn't sleep and I was so sad. I called Evan at like 11:00 and we talked for about a half hour. Then we got off the phone and I layed in my room listening to music until 3:30 in the morning. I don't know why but I just couldn't fall asleep. Today was really fun though. Sarah called me at like 11:00 and asked if I wanted to hang out with her and Drew so I got ready and walked to meet Sarah. Then we walked to Drew's house and hung out in his basement for about a half hour. Then his sister gave us a ride to Courtney Santerre's house and we hung out there for like 15 minutes. Then his sister came and picked us back up and drove us to Josh's house. I sat in Josh's living room with Sarah, Drew, Dan, and Josh's brother Ian. Then we went downstairs in Josh's basement and the guys were playing baseball with beanie babies and me and Sarah had like 5 staring contests :o). Then Drew squirted us with a squirt gun so Sarah chased him outside and poured water all over him. I took my water bottle and poured it all over Sarah. Then Me Sarah and Josh sat on the swing outside. Drew got us all wet with the hose and we almost tipped over the swing. It was funny. Then all the other guys came out and were doing tricks and stuff on their bikes. Around 3:00, Josh's mom gave us a ride home to my house. I saw that Evan left me a message so I called him and he told me to come over, so Me and Sarah walked to meet Evan and Andrew. We were supposed to meet them at The Shell but they weren't there so we had to walk to Evan's by ourselves and we were sooo hot. When we got to Evan's they weren't there so we walked back onto Harris Road and they still weren't there, so we walked back to Evan's, and back to Harris, and back to Evan's and then back to Harris. Ugh it was sooo bad. We finally saw them riding their bikes down Harris so we like yelled at them and then Andrew told me he had water so I stole it from because I was like dehydrated :o(. Then we went to Evan's and went swimming for a while Andrew had to leave. So like 20 mintues later Me Sarah and Evan walked to Andrew's house to chillax with him 8]. Then Andrew had to eat so Me Sarah and Evan walked to Matt Dube and then Me and Sarah walked to McDonald's to get a burger. Then we walked back to Matt Dube and then the three of us walked back to McDonald's so Evan could buy us drinks and then Me and Sarah had to leave so we walked home. We walked to Sarah's and her mom was kind of angry, so Sarah walked me down the street and I walked home. I stopped at the store to get a teenie because I was like dying from the heat. So now I'm home doing nada. Tonight's going to suck again and I'll probably be sad and hot again but ehh whatever. Tomorrow I think I'm walking to Evan's again to hang out with him, Billy, and Andrew I think? And Billy said he'd teach me how to skateboard 8]. Yessss. And Alex went off to Maine until Wednesday I think? So that sucks pretty bad but whatever. I really need to see him soon because I get sad when I don't hang out with him :o(. Okay well leave something nukkah's.

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