hey lush have fun it's the weekend

Jun 23, 2005 20:07

Do You Have...
Any sisters: yes, two
Any brothers: nope
Any pets: Jaydee-Poo :o)
A disease: nope
A personal phone number: only my house number
A leather jacket with studs on it?: no i do not
A heroin needle: oh yes, because i'm such a druggie :o)
A Car: nope

Describe Your...
Personality: I'm a very curious person and I'm outgoing and I can be nice if I like you
Driving: ohh I'm a good driver!
Room: it's small. the walls are purple and teal-ish. i like it though, it's very cozy.
School: well I'm done at FMS but NHS is really big
Relationship with your parents: me and my mom have a great relationship. me and my dad aren't too close though.

Do You...
Believe in love at first sight?: no
Consider yourself a good listener?: yes
Consider yourself a good friend?: yes
Get along with your parents: with my mom yes, and with my dad yeah for the most part.
Save your e-mail or conversations: i save some of my aim conversations when I get into a fight with somebody just to look back at it later and see how stupid it was.
Pray: no
Like to make fun of people: not particulary
Like to talk on the phone: I guess so
Get motion sickness: yes, very badly
Eat chicken fingers with a fork: noo I use my hands
Type with your fingers on home row: nope i only use my left hand to type and my pointer finger on my right hand. Me and Meag noticed that last summer :o).

What Was/Is (or Are)...
Right next to you: my harddrive
On your mouse pad: a shooting star and some trees
Your dream car: a black ford expedition with black leather interior
Your bedtime: I don't have one
Under your bed: nada
The single most important question: i don't know..
Your bad time of the day: when I wake up in the morning. especially if it's early and somebody woke me up because then I'm a bitch :o).
Your worst fear(s): spiders and tall tall buildings
The date?: June 23, 2005 ( TODAY IS MY HALF BIRTHDAY :D )
Your scariest moment?: last summer when me jimmy alicia and mallory were on the trails at like 12:00 at night and the cops showed up and were searching everyone.

Number: 9
Color: red/lime green
Day: Friday
Month: August
Song: Ever So Sweet - The Early November
Movie: Mystic River/Cold Mountain
Season: summer
Class: history was my favorite
Drink: Nestea lemon iced tea
Veggie: carrots
TV Show: I have a few..Nip/Tuck, Family Guy, and Kept
Radio Station: 101.1 and 96.5
Store: I like Bob's and Pac Sun
Animal: giraffe's!

Love + Relationships...
Do you have a bf?: yes
If so, who?: Alex M. Rinaldi <3<3
Do you love this person?: Yes I do.

The Past...
Last thing you heard: 'i like it i'm not gonna crack' - nirvana :o)
Last thing you saw: <--- saw:
Last thing you said: jayyyyyydeeee-poo!
Who is the last person you saw?: my mother
Who is the last person you kissed?: my mother/alex
Who is the last person you hugged?: my mother
Who is the last person you fought with?: my mother
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: sarah
What is the last TV show you saw?: seinfeld, bitch

and another...

1. My name is : Chelsea.
2. I may seem: weird
3. But I really: am
4. People who know me think: I'm a dork.
5. If you knew me you'd: want to be my best friend? haha I have no clue.
6. Sometimes I feel: sad for no apparent reason.
7. In the morning I: eat breakfast and watch tv.
8. I like to sleep: all the time.
9. If I could be doing anything right now I would be: with Alex.
10. Money is: something that I don't have currently.
11. One thing I wish I had is: a license.
12. One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: my reaccuring headaches.
13. All you need is: friends and food.
14. All I need is: food and aim.
15. If I had one wish it would be: to see my sister within the next year, even though it's not going to happen.
16. Love is: something special that you're lucky to find.
17. My body is: disgusting.
18. If an angel flew into my window at night I would: say "Get the hell out. I'm trying to sleep."
19. If a demon crashed into my window I would: read above.
20. If I could see one person right now it would be: Alex.
21. Something I want but I don't really need is: clothes.
22. Something I need but I don't really want is: food.
23. I live for:
24. I dare you all to: go die.
25. I am afraid of: spiders and tall buildings.
26. It makes me angry when: people lie.
29. I cry because: I am sad a lot, but I don't know why.
30. This survey is: just another survey.

*have you ever*
Kissed your cousin: ickk no.
Ran away: no.
Broken someone's heart: no.
Been in love: yes.
Cried when someone died: yes.
Wanted someone you knew you couldnt have: yes.
Broken a bone: my finger.
Drank alcohol: yes.
Lied: yes.
Cried in school: yeah.

*do you believe in*
Love at first sight: no.
God: yes.
Kisses on the first date: yes.
Monsters: oh, of course!
Horoscopes: noope.
Aliens: no.
Ghosts: yes.
Heaven: yes.
Hell: if you believe in heaven, then you most likely believe in hell.
Cheating: i believe that it's wrong, so no.

*the opposite sex*
What do you notice first: eyes and shoes.
Last person you slow danced with: no idea.
Worst thing to do: break up with them without telling them why.
Short or long hair: short's okay, but long is good on some people.
Piercings or none: yes piercings are good. but once again, only on some people.

*the last time*
Showered: yesterday morning.
Have been to a party: long long time ago.
Had a great time with the opposite sex: yesterday.

*what is*
Your good luck charm: i dont have one.
Person you hate the most: haha.
The worst song you've ever heard: just a little bit - 50 cent
The best thing that has happened to you today: nothing. today has been boring and a waste of time.


Color: red and lime green
Movie: mystic river/cold mountain
Book: the outsiders/the giver
Subject in school: history
Online buds: alex <3, allyson, sarah, billy, nick, tyler, ryan etc.
Juice: mmm any juice sounds good right now.
Place to go when there's no where else to go: my room.
Car: black ford expedition.
Food: lotttts.
Ice cream: maine black bear.
Soft drink: rootbeer or sprite
Sports: football
Holiday: christmas.
Season: summer and autumn.
Breakfast food: toast and belgian waffles.
Places to go with your friends: matt dube! haha i had so much fun there yesterday.

Makes you laugh the most: sarah.
Makes you smile: alex.
Has a crush on you: alex hopefully, lol.
Who do you have a crush on: alexxx.
Gives you kisses: alex.
Do you like to kiss: alex of course.

*do you ever*
Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call the whole nite: no.
Save emails: i don't e-mail.
Wish you were someone else: nope.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no.
Want to look different: mhm.
Cried because of someone's mean words: yes.

Song Lyrics: brian mcknight.
Cologne: fierce
Kiss: long romantic kisses.

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