May 23, 2008 17:24
you loved sun showers, right? and I didnt understand a thing until my legs were moving in slow motion but my heart was exceeding the speed limit and my head was screaming but not outloud. you don't know how excellent you look in the most sleepiest of fashions. Im loud and waiting for all of this to get worse. My mouth is saying things outloud that my head is begging me to keep to myself. I know my heart doesnt look like I think it does. I imagine cardboard, and it's raining so I guess we're screwed. You were so beautiful that time you laughed at my success. Beautiful, really. But any of other description would have seemed the grimiest, most terrible. I suppose it was geeking out. But we all took part. It's too early today for this to seem like the past. But its here, and (there) and so loud. I am terrified in the most prepared way, and I cant even believe half the things we are all so worried about will matter in a year anyway, so where are we going to end up?