(no subject)

Dec 05, 2005 17:01

im getting home schooled until next year. then im going to Mott.   im really tired.  

Have you ever…
01. Fallen for a best friend? No.
02. Made out with JUST a friend? Yeah.
03. Been rejected? few times.
04. Been in love? Nope.
05. Been in lust? if thats what you called that.
06. Used someone? heck yeah.
07. Been used? yeah.
08. Cheated on someone? nnooo.
09. Been cheated on? yeeep.
10. Been kissed? NO.
11. Done something you regret? ha yes.

Who was the last person...
12. You touched? kayler.
13. You talked to? mom
14. You hugged? mom or kayler.
15. You instant messaged? kevin beaver =]
16. You thought about? i dont know.
18. You yelled at? my mom.
19. You laughed with? kayler. shes hilarious.
20. You had a crush on? hahaha. a.w.
21. Broke your heart? noone.

Do You...
22. Color your hair? all the time.
23. Have tattoos? soon.
24. Piercings? septum, and ears. about a week: nape.
26. Floss daily? nope. like every three days. haha. but i brush my teeth twice a day =]
27. Own a webcam? wwwelllllll
28. Ever get off the computer? all the time.
29. Sprechen sie deutsche? shut up.
30. habla espanol? shut up.
31. parlez-vous francais? shut up

General Questions
40. Considered a life of crime? hahah yes.
41. Considered being a hooker? not lately.
42. Considered being a pimp? nope.
43. Are you psycho? only when im drunk.
44. Split personalities? nope.
45. Schizophrenic? nope.
46. Obsessive? nope.
47. Obsessive compulsive? hahahaha i wish.
48. Panic? no
49. Anxiety? only in the morning.
50. Depressed? once in a while. but not often.
51. Suicidal? nopee
52. Obsessed with Hate? wtf? no.
53. Dream of mutilated bodies? wet dreams baby.
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? all the time
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? california.
56. What would you be doing? shopping.
58. What are you listening to? heavyheavy lowlow
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? um.
60. Chicken or fish? neither really.
61. Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? keekees =]

62. Current Clothes: camo tank top. short shorts.
63. Current Mood: tired
64. Current Taste: CHEESE ITS.
65. Current Hair: crazy dirty.
66. Current Annoyance: my ears are itchy
67. Current Smell: i think its my hair. i think something is living in it..
68. Current thing I ought to be doing? sleeping for sure.
69. Current Desktop Picture: tegan and sara
70. Current Favorite band: glassjaw
71. Current Book: --
72. Current dvd In Player: --
73. Current Refreshment: watterr
74. Current Worry: uh nothing
75. Current Favorite phrase: uh fuck itt.

76. Food: im anorexic. did i spell that right?
77. Drink: VITAMIN WATER<3
78. Color: green
79. Shoe: flats :]
80. Candy: anything caramel.
81. Animal: kitties.
82. Movies: blow, anchorman and reqrium for a dream
83. Dance: two step
84. Vegetable: brocolli with cheese.

85. What do you want to be when you get older? run way photographer or fashion designer.
88: Living Where? california

This or That:
89: gay or straight? straight.
90: Boxers or Briefs: ew. underwear?
91: Reading or Writing: writing.
92: basketball or baseball: basketball
93: Walking or Running?: running.
94: Left or Right? right.
95: TV Shows or movies: moviess
96: Rap or Rock: both.
97: Day or Night: night.
98: chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
99. Nude or pj's: nude
100. Passenger or driver: passenger
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