Dec 16, 2004 22:15
well i made it through the long-ass week. me and chris started talking more..which is cool. still trying to help cristina and zuzma get back together. i really wish they would. and she's supposed to be telling me something that she didnt get to finish saying to me today..but she didn't get on tonight. it's okay. i can wait another day -- i dunno about michael. today was..unproductive. except english was awessommee. we're starting drama..and i've always liked acting seeing as i started being on stage when i was 4. but yeah thats another story. anyway. so yeah we drew strips of paper and people had to guess what movie it was from. mine were quotes from Willie Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, The Fast & The Furious, and The Wizard Of Oz. it was realllyy fun. gym--aerobics as usual. me and emma kept pausing and making the hot guy in slow was great. then me, emma, candace, lindsey, and jarred kept throwing the basketballs onto the other side of the court pissing off russell and all them while they were playing a game. it was very humerous. spanish 2 we're doing conversations..and yeah kaysey is my partner..shes so funny. and then chelsea's with the featus!! even though we tried so hard to be partners..haha darrn :(. there needs to be a 4-partner my little spanish crew--Hot Sauce, Burrito, & Taco--can all do something together!! woww, on the way back from lunch i pantsed Kurt. aw, it was so funny. (sorry sweetie. stop acting so gangstarrr!). geometry was soo boring. we actually had to do work. wait i take that back. i actually had to do work. the past week and 1/2 i havent done shit in that class. its so borrinngg uggh. anyway. during busloads me and brittni went to B-ham's room...and she wrote her Santa-gram for Ryan. it said "Ho Ho Ho".. i wanted to write "I'm your..." but she wouldnt let mee. boo. oh well. i'll tell him about it tomorrow in music history anyway :D. i am soo boreedd. have i failed to mention that?? oh yeah tonight was my dads birthday..and i totally forgot..until about 2 hours of being home..i saw the cake..and it said "Happy Birthday Dad" i kinda put the pieces together. OMFG. derrick comes home on Sunday..i think. either sunday or monday. i'm soo excitedddd! yaay!! tomorrow night is the Musicfest. really excited about that one too. then and jess are gonna go shopping & do whatever comes up that night. we're so damn spontanious it's sad. i really wanted to hang out with Hans this wkend too..but i dont know. i dont see that happening. then sundaayy i'm going to see Alchemists Lament (for like the 5th or 6th time?)..and Downward Halo (3rd or 4th time), Open Wide (4th or 5th time), and Close Quote. i'm excited. james said he really wanted to see me...but i dont know. i think it was someone else just fucking w/ a random person on his list..and i was lucky contestant #1. i dont know. i guess i'll see how things go. they're so great in show. i love watching them. they have a lot of energy and a really good vibe. -A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT BETTER THAN DOWNWARD HALO. AL SHOULD HAVE PLACED, NOT DH.- anyway. i think i'm gonna go now. i have a lot of homework i need to do and it's almost 11. greaattt..