(no subject)

Aug 13, 2006 21:33

this is probably the most important entry i'll ever post, so read it because YOU are probably in it.

so i decided that i'm going to go through and name off/talk about every person that i've REALLY cared about over the past year. [meaning from last august to this august]

in no certain order:

MAC SINCLAIR- you were the best, best friend i could ever ask for. i wish that things didn't end like that//end at all. if i could change anything, i'd change what happened. i hope that eventually we can be friends again one day because i love singing along to gravy train!!!! with you.

JADE CROCKER- i have become so close to you recently. it's great. you are such a good person & you have a great heart. i love being around you and our road trip next summer is going to be one of the best memories of my life.. and i get to share it with you! i love you.

KAYLA ALDRIDGE- wow, we have come far in a year! from hating each other with a passion to really really good friends. it's amazing how things like that happen. it's one of those things that you would never expect, but are happy that it happened. you are such an amazing person. i love being around you. i've told you this before but you're a big influence to me in a lot of different ways. i love you a lot.

SAVANNAH WALLER- i wish we were still friends right now. we used to have the best conversations and i was probably more of myself around you than anyone else. we talked about pretty much everything. we had the weirdest sense of humor and it was great even if we did have problems sometimes and stuff. i just want you to know i'm still here, i still care about you, and i still love you. i hope you are doing well.

MORGAN (INSERT LAST NAME HERE)- i've known you for awhile now... since like december, i think? i'm glad we're still friends though. normally when you meet someone on myspace you don't stay friends with them or talk to them for very long. i can't wait to finally meet you next summer and everythingggg. :)

CODY GRUP- i don't really know where to start with this. even though we aren't really friends anymore, i still/will always care about you. you meant a lot to me and even though you weren't here.. you meant more to me than anyone else around me. i miss everything we had, but most of all i miss you.

DYLAN CUNNINGHAM- i haven't known you for that long but i look forward to you moving here even if you're still unsure about it. you are a wonderful person, probably one of the best people i know. and you're going to be my husband. that is great! haha :) i love you!

AMY WORTHAM- i don't know what happened to you!! [besides the fact that you don't have the internet anymore] i never see you/hang out with you/talk to you anymore. it sucks. i love you and i hope that i get to see you soon. :)

BROOK KING- man, i miss you. i know i say that a lot and do nothing about it. i don't know why. i don't hang out with that many people anymore and yeahhh. i'm just making excuses, but you know. last summer we met. at first we hated each other, blahblahblah. then we became really good friends. millissa hill's sleepover party thing was one of the best times i ever had.. really. i love you a lot.

SARAH GARRISON- pretty much the same thing that i wrote about brook. we don't talk at all anymore, except for the rare myspace comments and you deleted your lj too so you probably won't even get to read this, but i'm always here for you. i love you.

COURTNEY MOORE- hahaha, MY BROTHER CALLED YOU FAT! hahahaha, no but seriously. i love you. you're one of the only bffkasjgfdskgjgz! that i still talk to. you're a good person and even though i don't see you as often as i'd like to, i still love you.

MILLISSA HILL- i haven't seen you in 294393282358 years pretty much. i'm not a big fan of that, but you know.. you do live in freaking pleasant grove which is forever and a day away. hopefully i will see you soon. i love you bfffjgjdsjjdgfg!

CHASE GLASGOW- you're something else. i hope you know that, hahaha. i love you. you're a great guy and you're fun to be around. let's hang out again soon and not go eat sushi because i hate that shit. :)

KASEY HALL- you're so much fun to be around. i love it. it's quite an adventure everytime i'm with you, hahaha. we still have to do your extensions! [that has nothing to do with me caring about you and loving you, but you know.. JUST A REMINDER, haha]

JOSH ALLEN- i remember when we first met, we talked pretty much 24/7. you are so different from everyone else i know, but in a good way. even though you are a sarcastic asshole, i love you a lot. you're one of my favorite dudes, fer sher!(!(#@!1!

RUSS ROSE- i love going to parks with you. i love listening to your shitty music with you, hahaha. i love being around you! you're so much fun and you are so easy to talk to. i wish we were as close as we used to be, but hopefully it will change soon. i hope you're doing good. :)

ADAM BAILEY- i know you won't read this either, because we aren't really friends anymore. but you used to be my best guy friend. i loved being around you. you always told me how pretty i was and you'd kiss me on the cheek and hug me all the time and your energy made me so happy. i wish we were still friends, because i wouldn't have ever taken for granted any of it.

JULIE BEATTIE- you won't read this either, but atleast i know i wrote it and it still shows i care/cared about you. you were my best friend and my biggest competition in swimming, hahaha. you were my right hand and i just love you.

AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I LEFT CLARISSA OUT- you were my best friend for awhile. we always had cute slumber parties and took lots of pictures. i miss you and i love you. i hope we can get close again/like we used to be. :)



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