Name: Devon Ashley
Age: I just turned 14.
Location: Pennsylvania
Relationship Status: Im single at the moment. =)
Movie: Sixteen candles, the breakfast club, titanic.
Music Artists: Story of the year, Something Corporate, DMB, and dashboard confessional.
TV Shows: Newlyweds, I love the 90's, The Days.
Song: Crash-DMB
Food: Filet Mignon.
Color: Pink! I adore that color.
Sports: Cheerleading, Tennis, and Volleyball.
Tell us something unusual and random about yourself: When i was younger my dad got transfered to Germany. We lived there for about 2 years untill, my family and i moved back here [Pennsylvania]. We have tons of family over there so it was pretty easy to adjust and such. I love it over there, eventhough the winter is kinda chilly.
Why should you be accepted? I should be accepted because i love to rate people! im brutally honest, and im going to tell people if they should be accepted or not! plus i will stay active and promote a ton!!
Promote us yo 2 places and give links: you promise to keep promoting us like crazy? Absoloutely! I have my own community and I know how to get the word out!
Pictures:Please give us at least must be a clear picture of your face: