May 20, 2005 01:24
What is Your Name? Morgan
Where are you from? Perth, Australia - where are the aussie Hanson fans??
How old are you? 20
Favorite Hanson record? Id say This Time Around, but can't stop listening to UNderneath right now...
Favorite Hanson song? Right now its Misery
Favorite Hanson brother? Hmmm, they all good:) Used to lurrrve Taylor about 8 years ago tho:)
How long have you been a fan? 8 years
Concerts attended: NONE - they have never been here, but Im seeing them in a few weeks WOO!!
Name 5 NON-Hanson bands you like: U2, Unwritten Law, The Doors, A Bone of Contention and my own band:)
Name 5 NON-Hanson songs you like: Arms of The Sea (A Bone of Contention) All Right Now (Free) A Man and a Woman (U2) Sacrifice (Anouk) All of Me (Me!)
Opinion on abortion: Hmmm people should be able to choose, I mean a girl and if a guy is still involved- him too. If we cut back on the aid for abortions (whats going on Down Under right now) then its only gonna go back to back yard abortions. Hmmm Not very nice!
Bush or Kerry: oh man if I was American - KERRY!! You have to be kidding me
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