forgive me father, for i have sinned
Prompt: #8 candles (
spn_holsFandom: Supernatural (Dean/OMC; implied Sam/Dean)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: approx. 2280
Warnings: slash (male/male), implied incest, sexually explicit things
Author’s Notes: so, this was supposed to a study of character and faith for dean, but i had the urge for him to fuck the priest (because in my head, he is incredibly gorgeous) and i think it just works. (i actually named the priest after a guy in my class). also, because mel told me too.
Sam was already snoring softly, fingers curling into Dean’s shirt, latching on like Dean was going to leave if he didn’t hold on.)
Rather porny. Heh. My first actual SPN slash that doesn't solely involve Sam. I am rather proud.