The Strongest One (Part 1/3 - Accident)
General Summary: It’s not about who wins in the end or even about who makes it out alive - it’s about who can prove themselves the strongest.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count:approx. 13,000
Characters: Dean, Sam, John, OFC, OMC
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Dean/OFC
Warning: Wincest, sexually explicit scenes, language
“Dad,” Sam whispers beside you.
You finally get it, it finally registers in your head, and you finally break: this is your father, the only source of strength in your life, lying on that bed and waiting for Death’s bony, prodding fingers to come and steal his soul from his maimed and broken body. Your knees turn to jelly and you feel them give out from underneath you. You fall into Sam’s waiting arms and a scream fills the room, bouncing off the walls, reverberating inside your head, intensified tenfold and it just rings.
Your body goes limp and Sam clutches onto you, desperately trying to keep you steady. The screaming hasn’t stopped yet and you can’t seem to tell where it’s coming from. Your vision is filled with wires, monitors and limp fingers that once lifted you up to touch the sky, now lying lifelessly on the hospital bedding and you realize, as everything fades, that it’s you who is screaming.
"Dad," Sam whispers beside you. )
Now that the massive fic of epic proportions is finally posted, I can wait for the reviews (hopefully, a good few) and go to my couch and try not to puke.