yeah i really appreciated that little speech...okay well im officially done ever talking to you again if thats how you feel and dont respond with something retarded like "oh i dont care im soo happy blah blah blah" cuz you are now the most irritating person that i know. and i dont miss talking to you at all cuz all you do is lie to people and try to mess everything up for everyone else to make yourself feel better or something, it wont take long before your little stoners friends figure it out. go ahead and be one of "those" people. sick.
kane stop trying to make everyone happy. its wrong for emily to just keep jumping from guy to guy. i thought somethings about her and now i know that they were lies. but you know what i don't care because i am never gonna have her back. she doesn't want to be with me. she walked all over everyone just to be where she is now. brooke is right to not talk to her. its her choice. emily wasn't a good friend to her or a lot of people. especially you for just ignoring you all the time. just cut this crap out cause it does get annoying kane.
Dear Zack, Just because she doesn't talk to me doesn't mean i should be mean to her...other people do it too, but that's just how life rolls...nothing else is my business but i still think of her as a friend, even if she doesn't think of me as her friend. I don't care about the past, no one understands it's just shit under the bridge...Many peopel i know, have done really bad shit to me but i forgave them...what's the difference here?
I don't want to get into a fight bout this I just thin k anyone can be forgiven and that's my opinion.
kane you just need to stop this. its so gay just letting people walk all over you. she ignored you. you didn't do anything. and then you just forgive her? well its your life do what you want. but sometimes you just have to draw the line kane. think about it......
BULL SHIT, you cant forgive anyone these days, the second you do they are just going to stab you in the fucking back. You gotta know who your REAL friends are Kane, like zack said. Think about it....
Zack, shut the fuck up! You are the one who is annoying, you emo fuck! Emily isn't "jumping from guy to guy" maybe shes just scared to be alone. its not her fault your a fucking jealous psychotic asshole! goddamn maybe you should pay more attention to your own goddamn life which also seems to be crumbling beneath you! At least shes happy, which is more than i can say for your dumb ass! She was right not to talk to Brooke anymore because she turned into a stupid fucking barbie doll. Leave Kane alone. Hes just trying to be supportive. God forbid someones trying to be positive.
Wow, "those people" You have a shit load of spelling and grammatical errors in your writing. How about this, if you're going to trash on someone, at least try to make your self look a little bit intelligent and not make a bunch of mistakes while doing it.
What the fuck, we can spell things wrong if we really feel like it. And we're not trying to look intelligent, we're trying to get our point across. Stupid fuck.
What you really should have typed was:
"Fuck you, I don't do drugs, and I'm suck of people saying that I do! So shut your fucking mouth! Quit saying shit about me that isn't true!"
and as for the post before this one where you said you were just trying to get your point across, people would probably respect your opinion more if you learned how to spell correctly and didn't make so many grammatical errors.
Also, something I forgot to add in my last post. You say that you do not do drugs, well, that's where you caught yourself. You drink don't you, alcohol is a drug you know, any half witted bitch knows that.
and emily you are a good person your just you...which is a good person lol i don't know if that made sense but...
Just because she doesn't talk to me doesn't mean i should be mean to her...other people do it too, but that's just how life rolls...nothing else is my business but i still think of her as a friend, even if she doesn't think of me as her friend. I don't care about the past, no one understands it's just shit under the bridge...Many peopel i know, have done really bad shit to me but i forgave them...what's the difference here?
I don't want to get into a fight bout this I just thin k anyone can be forgiven and that's my opinion.
Toritifnval~ "Those people"
What you really should have typed was:
"Fuck you, I don't do drugs, and I'm suck of people saying that I do! So shut your fucking mouth! Quit saying shit about me that isn't true!"
and as for the post before this one where you said you were just trying to get your point across, people would probably respect your opinion more if you learned how to spell correctly and didn't make so many grammatical errors.
:) Get a life you fucking dipshit!
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