Feb 05, 2005 16:49
omggggg last nite was amazing and today too, okay so last night i went to the movies with paigey and linds and we saw coach carter and omg the guys were sooo hott in the movie and it was just beyond amazing and that movie kicks and we saw ally wells there haha i dont really know her but shes cool and we knew allllll the songs in the movie so we sang them a lot and ther wer these real ghetto guys behind us and we were like dayyyuumm hahahahahah wow and then we went back to paigeys house and slept over, and we went ont he computer but then at like 11 something we decided we were hungry so we went to DUFFERS! with MR BLATT YESS! haha and we wore real ghetto hats, and i wore sunglasses and like we wore necklaces and i wore dice around my neck hahahahah and the music was loud and we were dancing and stuff and then lindsay was going all out dancing but paige was just like watching us, haha but i wasnt dancing as much as lindsay like every once in awhile i would and then this guy passes us and hes really drunk and he goes somethin like 'you girls look hot tonight, boy i wish i was young again' and then he walked out and right as he was walkin out linds was like 'uhhhh waat woud u do if u wer young again?' haha it was kinda yucky because that guy was old and everyone was like drunk and this guy like came and danced near lindsay it was so funny omg me and paige wer like peeing ourselves haha so then we ate and stuff and paige was mean to her mom andi felt bad but it was kinda funny because paige was like SHUT IT to me too and then we got changed and stuff and watched tv and spiderman 2 well like onlyt he beginning cos we fell asleep and then paige suposedly went upstairs without us so me and linds wer asleep downstairs and we both woke up and mr blatt was like hovering over us hahahah it was so funny and we went upstairs and it was like 3 or something and we all got our own rooms haha paige slept in hers linds slept in laurens and is lept it chris's it was fun haha okay and then me and linds woke up first for like an hour and watched the rest of spiderman 2 haha and then paige woke up and we had breakfast and then we wer trying to pick like a moive to watch and i SO wanted to wathc X2 SO BAD HAHA and like yeah and dawn of the dead too but i was kinda scared, and we wanted to watch freddy vs jason soooo bad but we culdnt like get it cos it waso n starz and paige doesnt hav that haha but its all good because we watche djoy ride isntead and linds told us all the places she saw it which was like 893274892374328942 different places hahaha yeah and then we just chilled and watched my super sweet 16 and that eagles movie and then my dad came and yeah ahah that was like the funnest time ever oh and we took sooooo many pictures to their gonna be hott haha ohh yeah alright well im gonna go so commenttt <33