my moms article

Jul 29, 2009 10:42

My mom wrote an article randomly just for her own self because she was bored. She decided to submit it to an online magazine site and they posted it! They also listed her as expert writer. I thought that was really cool! Heres the link to the article:

And heres the article itself: [[let me know what you think]]

Top Reasons You Should Hire a Baby Boomer

You know, my mom always taught me if things get hard, then onward and upward, there's always that next job, you can do it, and no one said life was going to be easy. I was once told I was admired for being strong. Well, I am not so sure this is working for me right now. I have never in all my years of working seen the economy is the state it is in now. After all, I have been working since I was 15 and I am 48 now.

I worked for a medical transcription company in operations for eight years - five years in the office, then sent home to work as a telecommuter for three. Yes, there were positions that I have worked for within the company that I did not like due to the fact I had to work 24/7, including holidays. This did get old, and I had no family life. The fact is, I absolutely loved working at home. I thought I had the best job in the world. I felt it didn't get any better than this, and I loved what I was doing. I really had a great appreciation for my Job.

Then after eight years of service I was given the boot along with about 150 other employees. I have to tell you I was absolutely devastated. Never saw it coming. It made no sense to me that months earlier I was given a performance review and scored just about perfect. Our team was disbanded, our jobs given to others in the company, and out we go. The company did give us severance, and online training was available to us so we could go on our way. Somehow it didn't seem to make things any better, but it did help. I guess that was their point.

The fact is, ever since I was laid off, life has never been the same. I did get another job through a friend for a general contractor, but was laid off yet again due to the economy, and here we go again. Ever since then it has been frustrating. Having no formal college education and only on-the-job training, no one wants to hire you. All the years on the job and the experience earned right now means absolutely nothing.

The job market is at the point right now that companies are hiring new college grads at the rate I was making when I was let go of my job of 8 years. Even people who have had a degree for years are having no luck finding jobs. I have seen postings that they are absolutely frustrated and have no idea where to go from here. For me, who has no degree, just years on the job under my belt, well I guess I'm really screwed. All the positions I see are COLLEGE DEGREE. Well I guess that counts me out.

I keep thinking I need to go back to college, but I don't know how to pay for it. This presents another problem when I have no job to pay for it. Needless to say, going back to college for more skills at my age is like making an appointment at the doctor for a mammogram. Yeah, let's not and say we did.

I by no means have the brains of an ant; I learn fast, work hard, and actually work. I put in my full hours, don't leave 10 minutes early, or come in 10 minutes late, I work overtime when asked and live by the saying, "A job worth doing is worth doing well."

I recently read an article in the Arizona Republic, "Reasons to hire a Boomer," and it hit the nail right on the head and I do have to share.

1. Boomers eyesight may be changing, but they still know how to read a clock, so they show up to work on time.
2. Boomers are unlikely to take the week off because someone broke their heart.
3. Boomers don't think of ear buds as REQUIRED Jewelry.
4. Boomers know how to spell Customer Service - better yet how to deliver it.
5. Since they aren't looking to climb the corporate ladder, Boomers make great mentors.
6. Boomers don't expect to be complimented for breathing. They expect praise for a good job and correction for a bad one.
7. You'll get points in heaven if you protect an endangered species. After all, Boomers are the last generation of workaholics.
8. They REALLY need the job. After all, Boomers can't move in with Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad are more likely to be moving in with them.
9. Boomers have an attention span greater than the life of a flea.
10. Boomers don't have their cell phones super-glued to their texting fingers.
11. Boomers may not be as physically agile as they were at 20, but they are really flexible. They will work different shifts, work from home, change their plans, and work on contract or projects without complaining. They remember the old adage: Work before pleasure.
12. Boomers are not going to leave just because they are overqualified. They are looking for balance in their lives and are willing to sacrifice to get it.
13. I added this one. We are LESS likely to take time off on maternity leave. Been there, done that, over it and have the T-Shirt to prove it.

Trying to find a job at home is daunting. It seems like most of them I find want to pay you the salary of a third world country. I do have bills to pay. I don't miss the office, politics, the Hen House and gossiping. I loved working at home; I can dig right in after getting a cup of coffee, dive on the laptop and keep on going on whatever project I am assigned until the job is done. Then I ready for the next one.

I have been told losing your job may be a blessing in disguise. I'm still waiting. Perhaps I need to work on the skills, somehow.
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