Sep 29, 2006 00:13
I know I havent been very faithful about getting my journal updated.
Heres the deal with the orphanage.
Its been pretty tricky, we have made a lot of phone calls and just been passed from one person to another. But last night we spoke with someone whos actually doing orphanage work and he is going to talk to his mentor on monday for us to find out what we need to do to get in.
So its been a long process but hopefully we are going to finally be getting started soon.
Other than that there isnt to much going on.
Still teaching Abby and all that stuff. We are having youth group here tonight, so that should be pretty exciting.
And I'm planning on attending a new church this sunday, seperate from the MaGees, so that should be interesting.
Thank you to everyone who has been praying.
I love and miss you all.