theme #11 (destiny), theme #45 (stripes), K x Judy

Jun 07, 2006 16:17

Title: Yasui Koosui
Chapters One and Two of Fifty
Fandom: Gravitation
Pairing: K/Judy
Warnings: fluffy stuff . . . maybe some angst . . . don't know just yet. :)
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Every day moments are the best.

Chapter One

“Michael! Come here! I’ve got something for you!”

K smiled as his seven-year-old son ran towards him, the boy’s face lit up with happiness. He kept his arms outstretched and caught the child - his child - in a great big bear hug. Michael laughed as he was scooped up. They then spun around for a moment before K took the opportunity toss the boy into the air.

“Papa! You said you had something for me!” his son squealed with laughter. “What is it?”

“It’s a surprise,” he winked, catching his son one final time. “You wanna go see?”

Michael nodded his head vigourously and hugged K once more. The blond carried the boy out to the car where Judy and her manager, Ark, were waiting for them. Michael gazed at K with great curiosity as he buckled him into his seat.

“Where are we going, Papa?”

“You’ll see,” K winked again.

Once his son was secured next to his wife, K climbed into the driver’s seat and took off. It was going to be a special day for his family. He had it all planned out. They were going to have a picnic, a movie after that, and then ice cream at the Dairy Queen. Michael loved Dairy Queen. He and Judy also had a gift for their son, though it wasn’t the boy’s birthday. It was another special occasion altogether.

As he drove, his eyes traveled to the rearview mirror where they met his wife’s blue-green. She smiled at him and tossed him a kiss.

Michael didn’t know the significance of that day but he and Judy did. It was they knew they had finally found their destiny . . . together.

Chapter Two

It was his favourite holiday to celebrate. He loved having the annual barbecue with his wife and son, the parades, and the fireworks. More than anything, though, K loved having the red, white, and blue flying over his head as he celebrated what made his country unique among the rest in the world.

Tohma had understood this, but couldn’t always give him the time off that he’d like. As much as K hated it, he knew that he had a job to do. Bad Luck simply couldn’t manage itself.

Fortunately for him, the band he managed and had become quite fond of also understood his love for his country. For him, they decided to bring a little bit of American into the studio. For him, Shuichi sang whatever songs about America that he could find and learn, Hiro and Suguru backing the vocalist. For him, everyone had brought in a dish to pass, picnic and barbecue food. For him, they wore the stripes of his country and wore them proudly. They got into the spirit of the holiday without K even asking them.

What had made the blond-haired manager’s day, though, was the surprise visit from Judy and Michael. He may not have been in America on his most favourite day but at least he had some help in keeping the stars and stripes close to his heart.

judy, #11 destiny, liana_bluestar, #45 stripes, k

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