Oct 22, 2012 23:04
Every blood test are fine.... :D
Except for a unbalance in my white blood cell cause by a virus...
But who cares... I don't have rheumatoid arthritis!!!!!!
It's like a party in my head and every0ne is invited! :P
But well, intoxication by paint. My windows are presently open and will stay that way for i don't how many time...
Weird owner! She's a radio-frequency freak. She's a pro militant against the addition of intelligent counter of Hydro-Quebec. Okay, her daughter has the worst kind of epilepsy and she think that can increase her crisis... I can respect that and i really do. But putting a paint in an apartment for your tenant that is simply dangerous for the health of the person. What are you thinking....?
Oh! well..... She's probably thinking to much of herself and her daughter to think of what can be dangerous for the lives of others... :P