Weekend based on Construction

Nov 25, 2007 21:37

So i spent almost all weekend with my next...

Friday night drinking a little bit to much wine... :P Spending all the morning in bed because Dimmu the cat was licking me and playing with my face all night long and i had a bad headache due to the wine. Lucky J-S the cat was busy somewhere else during that night :P Saturday night, I was with him during his tattooing session and during that time i was thinking about maybe continuing the one in my back. I like the sound of the tattoo machine. So finally, a new cog-wheel is beginning to forge of all of this. This morning we had fun making grocery together, making breakfast together and cleaning together. And i was back home with him and cleaning my space together.

And finally i had a visit from André-Claude, 0ne of my good friend. Having a great Végé-souper made with Zucchini potage, fajitas with végé-pâté, Tofu and vegetables fricassé with cheese on top and finally the dessert a fresh strawberry and cream tart. I just took 2 pieces of it :P We had a nice chat and she just shown me the greatest Tarot ever... The Osho-Zen Tarot card... The symbolism and the cards them self are quite different. That's my cards from the session i got:

That's fucking amazing i want 0ne

What am i feeling right Now: - The Harmony

The experience of resting in the heart in meditation is not something that can be grasped or forced. It comes naturally, as we grow more and more in tune with the rhythms of our own inner silences. The figure on this card reflects the sweetness and delicacy of this experience. The dolphins that emerge from the heart and make an arc towards the third eye reflect the playfulness and intelligence that comes when we are able to connect with the heart and move into the world from there. Let yourself be softer and more receptive now, because an inexpressible joy is waiting for you just around the corner. Nobody else can point it out to you, and when you find it you won't be able to find the words to express it to others. But it's there, deep within your heart, ripe and ready to be discovered.

My Inner self: (This 0ne is totally me) - The Miser

This woman has created a fortress around herself, and she is clinging to all the possessions she thinks are her treasures. In fact she has accumulated so much stuff with which to adorn herself--including the feathers and furs of living creatures--that she has made herself ugly in the effort. This card challenges us to look at what we are clinging to, and what we feel we possess that is so valuable it needs to be protected by a fortress. It needn't be a big bank balance or a box full of jewels--it could be something as simple as sharing our time with a friend, or taking the risk of expressing our love to another. Like a well that is sealed up and becomes stagnant from disuse, our treasures become tarnished and worthless if we refuse to share them. Whatever you're holding on to, remember that you can't take it with you. Loosen your grip and feel the freedom and expansiveness sharing can bring.

Exterior Event: - Change

The symbol in this card is an enormous wheel representing time, fate, karma. Galaxies spin around this constantly moving circle, and the twelve signs of the zodiac appear on its circumference. Just inside the circumference are the eight trigrams of the I Ching, and even closer to the center are the four directions, each illuminated by the energy of lightning. The spinning triangle is at this moment pointed upward, toward the divine, and the Chinese symbol of yin and yang, male and female, creative and receptive, lies at the center.

It has often been said that the only unchanging thing in the world is change itself. Life is continuously changing, evolving, dying and being reborn. All opposites play a part in this vast circular pattern. If you cling to the edge of the wheel you can get dizzy! Move toward the center of the cyclone and relax, knowing that this too will pass.

My resolution: - The Ripeness

When the fruit is ripe, it drops from the tree by itself. One moment it hangs by a thread from the branches of the tree, bursting with juice. The next moment it falls--not because it has been forced to fall, or has made the effort to jump, but because the tree has recognized its ripeness and simply let it go. When this card appears in a reading it indicates that you are ready to share your inner riches, your 'juice'. All you need to do is relax right where you are, and be willing for it to happen. This sharing of yourself, this expression of your creativity, can come in many ways--in your work, your relationships, your everyday life experiences. No special preparation or effort on your part is required. It is simply the right time.

The result of my resolution: - The Success

This character is obviously "on top of the world" right now, and the whole world is celebrating his success with a ticker-tape parade! Because of your willingness to accept the recent challenges of life, you are now - or you soon will be - enjoying a wonderful ride on the tiger of success. Welcome it, enjoy it, and share your joy with others - and remember that all bright parades have a beginning and an end.

If you keep this in mind, and squeeze every drop of juice out of the happiness you are experiencing now, you will be able to take the future as it comes without regrets. But don't be tempted to try to hold on to this abundant moment, or coat it in plastic so that it lasts forever. The greatest wisdom to keep in mind with all the phenomena in the parade of your life, whether they be valleys or peaks, is that "this too will pass."


weekend, food, spirituality

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