" DoNt CaLl My MoM!!!! "

May 22, 2004 16:35

LaSt NiiGhT & ToDaY :: MoViEs - HoT tUb - DrAnK - MaDe FuN oF dRuNk CoUrT - SlEpT - WoKeUp - TaLkEd To ShEa - PoOl - HoT tUb - DrOvE - ClEaNeD - tAlKeD OnLiNe -

RyAn JoNeS- i love ya so much! we've been best friends for how long now? AlMoSt 3 YeArS -- YoU mean the world to me!! iDk what i'd ever do w/o ya! ur the only real *ClOsE* Guy friend i have stuck around with! you're just like a brother to me .. [[ cuz ya act like 1 Lol..]] cuz ur always stickn up 4 me, yelln at boyfriends, telln me whos a good guy 4 me who isn't, wanting to beat the crap out of an ex-boyfriend, talkn to me bout problems i'm having!! i couldn't ask 4 a better bestfriend! i LoVe YoU rYaN!!! BFTTVE-BF4E-BF4L-BFTTDWD!!

Hokiesboy18: if i ever see him again im gonna beat him within an inch of his life
dawgsgirl074 8: no ryan
dawgsgirl074 8: that was forever ago
Hokiesboy18: and no fucking body is gona stop me
*WoE- he could be talkn bout u! watch out! Lol- sorry we couldn't do something tonight.. we'll find to hang out w/ each other*

Hokiesboy18: i love u toothpick
dawgsgirl074 8: ok byebye i love u too!! BF4L!!!!!
Hokiesboy18: u kno it
Hokiesboy18: forever
*WoW ryan.. toothpick & sexyabs... haha that goes -- WaY -- BaCk *

Eaglekicker10: Lifes is like a eskimos nipples
Eaglekicker10: always hard
Eaglekicker10: lol
dawgsgirl074 8: haha that is so funy

dawgsgirl074 8: 2 big sips of skky plus spiked coke... 2 cups of that... then 1 big sip of jack daniels
BbyBlueS319: oh good lol
BbyBlueS319: i slapped you?
dawgsgirl074 8: yes!
dawgsgirl074 8: kim slapped u sooo hard last night omgosh!
BbyBlueS319: ahh im sorry !! :-(
dawgsgirl074 8: haha idc
BbyBlueS319: why?!
BbyBlueS319: hahaha
BbyBlueS319: thats funny
BbyBlueS319: im sorry i slapped you
dawgsgirl074 8: u were being soo loud
BbyBlueS319: :-(
dawgsgirl074 8: i would have slapped u too
BbyBlueS319: ahh !!
dawgsgirl074 8: i told you if u asked if we were calln ur mom 1 last time i was gonna slap u
BbyBlueS319: lol im sorry
*yea u better be sorry BiYaTcH!*

-- DrEw MiLlEr I OwE yOu A kIsS BeCaUsE yOu ArE mY fAvOrItE & iM sOrRy YoU hAvE a LoSeR aS a BrOtHeR.. I sTiLl LoVe DaDdY, MoMmA, YoU & HuNtEr ThO!! --

I lYkKe-- :-X [[ KiM-KeL-CoUrT-RyAn KnOw! Lol -- ]]
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