Aug 21, 2005 00:44
i became of extreme boredom and decided to update for once. or it was the fact that i have 36 pages left in a book and i'm like "eh, rather not".
so for a basic update gist fun... summer is pretty somewhat lame. it has had its good days, and they've been good, trust me. :] but alas, not superb. no concerts. :[ i skipped going to 50 cent with the campout crew, long ass story. Campout #3 is by far the funnest of them all, and the one i was most sober for. YAY! i was like beer...rather not. drinking games were funny as hell. and ofcourse, you cannot forget the two unforgettable prank calls, even though 1 was better than the other. joey is an idiot, and i don't even know him :/ oh well.
i made varsity for soccer. whoo hooo go me. preseason sucks hardcore. fucking tour of brookdale, i was surprised i didn't die. well, atleast now i know my way around brookdale.... would have rather i get lost.
the night i hung out with the ACNE, CANE, whatever the hell we are with out a lauren. that was fun. trampoline and singing old ass songs at the top of our lungs. priceless.
mike's party and cliff's. mike's wins. surprised i didnt end up puking at the end of the night, and cliffs was just a waste. but i got to chill with ppl i hadnt seen in a while, so that was cool. when in boredom, find a guy, it solves that pretty quickly... hehehe.
ok, cant, and really dont feel like, thinking anymore.