Hah I'm still awake. I've been in an odd mood for the past few hours. Not bad, it's actually quite good. I just feel extremely calm. And.. alert? This is probably mostly because of the coffee I had earlier. I haven't had caffeine in a few days, so I think it effected me more than it usually does.
Last night I talked to Jennifer for the first time in months. It was nice. Jessica made it happen, heh.
I wrote a bio for myself on the info page, because I was bored. It's nothing that people who read this on a regular basis wouldn't know, but eh.
I changed the layout colors. I've used this purple in some way for probably the last ten layouts haha.
I made a new screen name, M3G21. At first I loved it, because it just popped into my head and - gasp - wasn't taken. Then I wasn't too sure. It reminds me of a robot name or something ahaha. But at the moment I love it again, so add it. Because it's {probably} a keeper. To my friends who I don't IM that often - could you please leave a comment or IM me when you see this? I've had a habit in the past to lose people through my crazy screen name changes.
Damn I had a busy night! Heh.
I need to get some more friends I think, for my AIM buddy list. I HATE HATE HATE only seening away messages or mobile devices on. I don't like being the only one not sleeping. It scares me for some reason :(. Maybe I'll stick SmarterChild back on there heh.
I'm attempting to download a lot of live Placebo to make a live CD. Kazaa, of course, is being a dirty whore. If I see 'more sources needed' one more time, I'LL UNINSTALL IT'S ASS. Hah. But what it has let me download.. Geeeeeeeeeez. It's probably good they're not having a show anywhere near me. My head would explode. I love live Placebo.
I have to register for classes on Thursday I think. Um. I'm getting ehhh about it. I realize that college is almost necessary these days. In most people's minds. But dammit. I'm so tired of school. I hate learning about things I couldn't care less about and memorizing stupid shit to pass a test. And then forgetting all of it. I'm such a lazy procrastinator, I'm afraid college is going to kill me. Hopefully it's like high school in some ways. And by some ways, I mean that 90% of it is bullshitting your way through. Heh.
To anyone who went right into working from high school, I admire you. Most of my wanting to go to college is because I'm not ready to be out of school and in the workforce yet. Growing up terrifies me.
Oh and one more thing. I made a list of movies that I want to watch. A few of these I've seen once and want to see again, but most of them I have not. Then I made a list of books to read. THEN I realized it's stupid of me to make such lists when uh I CAN'T SPEND ANY GAWDDAMNED MONEY. But oh well. Maybe I'll get a job soon. If you have any suggestions for me in either categories, then PLEASE leave a comment.
American Beauty
Love Liza
Y Tu Mama Tambien
Boys Don't Cry
Fight Club
Rules of Attraction
Run Lola Run
Hard Love - Ellen Wittlinger
Good in Bed - Jennifer Weiner
Sloppy Firsts - Megan McCafferty
Lolita - Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov {whew.}
I'm hungry as shit.. but what the hell do you eat at 5:30 in the morning? And why the does Lifetime Movie Network stop showing moves at 5:00? I'm feeling a bit drowsy so hopefully I'll now be able to sleep, with or without a lame ass movie to get me there. Hopefully being the key word in that sentance. Aha :).