Sep 13, 2006 00:01
hellllllllllllllllllllloooo peoples
wow its been allsorts of ages ago since i did one of these gheys but i think its timeeee too.
pretty much being hiting the city,drinking and shhhhhtuff
havnt seen a lot of you homopants in ages that isnt smooooth.
life has been pretty raspberries the working part time is gheyporn and looking for a job is homo in the face but i get my drivers stuff back in like 2 weeks so i can loose them all over which will be fun again but hopfuly i can score myself a jobskI so i can move out.
Ohhhh yeah im like totally moving out in like 1 or so.. depends how the jobness stuff pans out but im saying a month with rian and treez if you dont them i guess your just not hoot enough CAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalm down your totally hot.. well there looking at house atm and im moving in with them mASss orgys and shit narr joking i dont men sorry treez... you are kinda manly... haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa SNAP yeah well i guess when that stuff happens we will have a mass house parrty soo all your homos betta come =D inless i hate you soo then dont and if your like hmm i wonder if jarrod hates me its a yess goo put bullets in your head =D BANG BANG BANG =D
movvvvvvving on...
the weekend...
weeelll i met up with ashleyyy (ashmi) YAAAaaay and we went to the greenroom had like 7 pots then we were all like lets go be hot at crown soooo we totally went to crown oooh it was like fancy like we were all sorts of class.. we wasted all our monies and it was time to goooo.
saturday really couldnt be fucked going out soo i went to a old old old old old old old (you get the point) school ghey havnt seen him in like 3 years 21st went there was pretty ghey.... then got home like 12 still thinking should i go out but i didnt funny thing is i woke up at like 5 pm the next day
well i cant be gheyed typing any more and you all have aids
isnt one gonna read this?
LOveeeeee JArrrrod (=
hook me up with some commment love to yep. if not go get cancer..somehow..yeah