Finally got that last party out of the way. God I hate all of them. There is a problem with every single one of them. The first being that they all get far too wasted all the dang time. I'm glad I can see that, and not be apart of it now.
When we got there, Mary the whore opened the door. Right then I knew it'd be a bad night.
We went in, said hi, and made drinks. This drink I carried around with me the entire night. Mary came up to me and said Rita sent her a text saying "the only reason I'm coming is because of Dana" I was like uhhh and leaned over and told Aly. Rita got there, and wow, thank you very much fucking Alex for telling her to stand RIGHT BY ME. during flip cup. I didn't want her to accidentally brush up against me so I pushed Mary over closer to Aly. After the second game, I felt too damn weird that she was standing next to me like a f'n creep not talking to anyone, so I put my jacket on and went to smoke. Hmm you'll never guess who the hell followed me out there. "mind if I sit down?" I don't mind if you go home. She sat on a stair above me. I couldn't stop myself; I told her I was so in love with Leslie and that. is where my heart is, and has been, and she's going to have to leave me alone. She said she thought we broke up. Okay, while that may be true, it doesn't mean I stopped loving her. She's always going to be the only person I want. She IS my heart. So... Rita walked back in and grabbed Mary and sat with her on the couch and cried and told her how completely fucking awful I am that I hate her. I did not tell her I hated her. But I do. I told her that she might be okay as a friend. Maybe. I didn't mean it, and yeah I probably did sound really mean. But I had to. She cannot do this shit to me and make me feel uncomfortable just because she doesn't give a shit about anybody but herself. Gross. So she left, thank god.
Next. Yawn.
Everone had practically dispersed, scattered everywhere, or left. Aly's lame music was still blaring. I walked outside to smoke. Outside, I found Bruce, Scott, Mary, John, Lewis, and some random girl. Said hi to Bruce & Scott, tried ignoring John but he forced his hello in there anyway. Bertram slid out of the door. This kid. I went back in to use the bathroom. I came down and apparently all hell broke loose. Scott was holding his nose with blood just spewing out into his hand and dripping on the floor. Derik in the corner holding Bertram while Bertram's fists of fury were raised. Then Scott poundin through the room with murder on his face. What the f. Derik stopped Scott I grabbed Bertram and pushed him through a door to hide him. I asked what happened, and apparently Bertram was just too drunk and snapped for no reason. Something about whatever Bruce said, then called him a piece of shit, and Scott asked what he called Bruce and.. Guess Bertram just thought it was okay to sock him. I ignored Bertram the rest of the night. I couldn't even look at him. Anyway, went upstairs to find Aly, and of course she was in Mihai's room with that whore Mary on top of her. And Rita in a chair next to the bed? Can you get any more creepier? even slightly? Gah. & I thought you went home. I get Aly to go to the bathroom with me, which was really a ploy to get her the hell out of that room. We went downstairs and she sat with derik while everyone talked, keeping Bertram hiding upstairs. Lewis.. Uh. Came up to me and said "is this because of you?" he rolled his eyes and said "I wish you were ugly." KID YOU NOT. Then he walked into the other room. I was heading that way anyway to smoke, but he f'n just flipped the entire beer pong table in a rage fit. Is everyone mad? Crazy? Not okay. And that. Is reason #104 why I am not drinking like that anymore.
After it was 5 in the dang morning, and we finally got Scott and Bruce to leave without going after Bertram, and finally got Aly to stop bouncing around everywhere, and derik finally sobered up.. We left. I fell asleep with Odie, and he didn't end up in my arm when I woke up... and that never happens. He usually stays close.
I miss her. & want her.