la shambola

Jun 06, 2006 00:05

Hey there cool catz

What the ffffffffffffffffffff!

Ok I am up too late. Should be sleeping. Slim to nil chance of any decent diatribe ensuing forth from my fingers to thine eyes and into thy brain.

Brain made bad by big brother and lack of titilating social experience.

For gods sake! What is going on? What has happened to my mind??????????

Exams in a couple of weeks... eek.

Holiday for which no accomodation booked in less than 4 weeks. Sheisse!@

Thats right, take it once sentence at a time, one at a time. Safer this way. Bite sized chunks of pap.

Last day of semester finally went to tav for first time. Became v drunk by 5:30 somehow made it home. Did not try hard enough to impress potential friends from Biol lab. Instead took easy option of failing to give a F**k what they thought of me and putting no effort into social performance whatsoever. Oh well.
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