Sep 06, 2004 17:57
we found an apartment and it's already ours after looking at it just this morning. it has four rooms and a bathroom. $425, all utilities included. it has a shower! no more motherfucking baths for me. i can finally be squeaky clean again. life is (semi)good.
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It is not a violation of the Terms of Service for another person to add you to their Friends list. It does not allow the user who has added you any special access to your journal; it only allows the user to read your public entries on their friends page rather than going to your journal directly. It does not allow the individual who has added you any access to your Friends-only entries.
If you have had an individual add you to their Friends list, and you do not want them to read your journal, you can mark your entries as protected rather than public; there is no way to prevent them from reading your public entries. However, if you are simply uncomfortable with their username being on your Friend-of list, you have the ability to hide either their username or the entire list ( There is no way to remove yourself from their Friends list.
Because adding another user to a Friends list is not a violation of the Terms of Service, the Abuse Team will not take action in this case. If the user is otherwise violating the Terms of Service, please contact the Abuse Team.
If you are uncomfortable with a certain username displaying on your Friend-of list, it is possible to hide that particular name by banning that user from leaving comments in your journal. This will automatically prevent their username from appearing in your Friend-of list, though your username will still appear on their Friends list on their own User Info page.
If you ban a user who is listed in your Friend-of list, you will not see their username on that list in your User Info page or in a downloadable client's Friend-of list, even if you are logged in as yourself. If you wish to see a list of the users that you have banned, you can do so by going to the bottom of, or by using the "ban_list" Admin Console command.
How do I ban/unban a user from commenting in my journal?
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