Apr 18, 2006 16:30
I was just thinking about when I move back home this summer...it's going to be another mission!
Sitting here at my desk I barely have enough room to swivel around. I have millions of piles of clothes everywhere, a bijillion books falling off the shelves and stacked up around my bed and piles and piles of cds in every bit of space leaving about a 6 square inch of visible carpet.
Same serious problem man coz at Eggyham I also have a lot of stuff...(more stuff than the three guys combined I rekon) so how in the world am I supposed to fit everything in???
The obvious thing to do is to give a lot of it away...sniff...BUT I NEED ALL THIS STUFF! Yes it's NEED! All girls have a lot of clothes! It's just a fact of life. I also happen to have a lot of other stuff as well. CDs, who doesn't need their music? Books, I'm an avid reader! Stuffed toys, okay so I'm not 9 anymore but I still like my cuddly toys! All the digitial gadgets are a must! All the other cutie stuff is a must as well, who doesn't like cutie stuff???
Hiro laughed at me but when I told him I was being serious with a big slap he was like well there's plenty of room at their place for me to dump my stuff. Of course they have room, there's only two of them living in a masssssive flat! Plus apart from an impressive cd and book collection, he keeps like one of everything else. One bag, one wallet, one pen...Pens! I'm looking at my pen pot right now and it's spilling with multicoloured pens!
It's a lifestyle problem. I need to cut down massively and get what I NEED from now on. None of this "if i like it I get it" malarky. But then I work damn hard to get my stuff. Tis very satisfying when you slave away and then you use the money you earn to get stuff u like! That's the best bit about working!
As he suggested I could move in with them and he said I could use the spare bedroom as a closet! Incredibly tempting but I've had enough with paying rent for now. I need to pay off student debts and then save up some first I think. Plus, there's no point if I end up going to HK or Japan for the year anyway.
Can't wait till stress and uni is over, then I can sort myself out properly and start organizing!