Aug 03, 2007 03:08
i was reading over old lj posts from last summer. when did the final nail go into the coffin of livejournal? i remember when it took self-control to not post more than 3 times a day, and now it takes way too much effort to post once every 3 weeks. fuck that.
i feel like all i do is work and sleep and sit at the beach reading by myself. lies, i do other things but that is all that i have done all week. work is alright. being in the cafe is a little lame sometimes because most of the managers/supes don't really care about anything other than the bookstore so we get shat on a decent amount, which is not okay. it makes work tres stressful and i am very prone to get stress pimples. no good. but my bitchy lesbian boss is on vaca all week which makes my week a little brighter, and tips have been very good as well. the majority of my dreams lately have been work-related, i think it's a little unhealthy.
i have a problem with buying shoes. i haven't bought a new pair in 8 days, which is very good for me. it's a disease. i need to start budgeting my money well. i should probably start being more responsible, but i just haven't felt up to it yet. i should go to bed because this entry is hip hoppin' all over the place and i'm too tired to make sense. lj fo lyfe.