Jun 04, 2006 14:37
First off, allow me to apologize for not keeping up with everyone's dolls and LJs! I'm terribly sorry.. ;_; I'm trying to catch up right now, to read my flist and check out all of the new additions and see what's up with the dolls I remember from before I fell out of the loop~
I was out of the hobby for a while there due mostly to school and a relationship. But I'm back in now, and badly... lol! So many good things have happened. I'll elaborate:
*gush* I'm so excited!
Sully might be getting a body~ the one that he needs, that I never could find except on Yahoo!Japan, just fell into my lap! It's only 295 + shipping, Volks oldskin SD10 boy body, which is what K-Doll says is the body she uses for her boys' heads. So it *should* be a perfect match!! It's supposed to be, but I guess we can only hope!! *dreamy sigh*
Sully: About damn time... *glare*
Anyways.... Milo (my MSD) will have his first real pics taken today! Yee! He's finally complete in mind- he has the wig, eyes, and clothes he's been waiting on since Sept. of 2005... poor boy! But now he's just how I always imagined him to be, and he'll have his first pics posted soon.. maybe tomorrow! <3 I luff him soooo much. ^_^
Right now it's just O'Malley, Milo, Sully and Coy. My twins, Wednesday and Adair, have been sold, six months apart but still gone. I'm okay with it, I never bonded with either of them, but their characters haven't died. Not at all. Who knows how long it will be before I finally get Wednesday's perfet face and body, that doll could be a long time coming, but he *will* come, I have no doubt about that. Just like Sully's body, it'll probably fall into my lap...
Anyway, I've been lavishing attention on Milo and O'Malley is NOT happy. The flist will probably be hearing from him soon about this injustice. *sigh*
Love-uuu all~~~ <3