Jul 20, 2004 14:25
That sounds extremely desperate. I'm very sorry that that poor woman has to murder trees and torture you in order to entertain herself. She's probably terribly grateful for your presence, though, if that makes you feel any better. Just think of yourself as a Good Samaritan (spelling?), putting up with her so no one else has to. You're a saint! Meanwhile, back at the ranch. I hate my house! I hate how dark and messy and dusty and dog-hairy it is! I hate how everyone else seems to have parents who drive the house maintenance/house work and all they have to do is do what they're told but my mother just puts up with it until I'm driven so crazy that I clean up. But when I've been gone at school and gone in New York and she's done no cleaning then it's completely out of hand when I get home. I'm so ready to paint but my mom is resisting because she thinks it won't get done and it will be a hassle and it will be too expensive, and it's true we have no money considering how RIDICULOUSLY hard she works... argh! So anyway, I'm bleaching the hell out of the kitchen and this is only ONE room. The problem is this house is too big for us. Too much space to mess up and get dirty. And I'm so lazy! I slept until eleven, ate cereal, and then watched Unsolved freaking Mysteries. I'd probably be watching "Hollywood's Hottest Couples" on MTV still if Megan hadn't called and awoken me from my stupor. Do you like Sigur Ros? They're wonderful, I'll listening to them right now. A mix between Radiohead and Enya, if you can imagine that. So yes, we should burn you a bunch of CDs or something and get your collection up to a level you like. Oh, and as for our plan... leaving work at 5 may be pushing it in traffic. So we should just have a super fast and satisfying lunch from 3:30 to 4:00. And yeah, we should drive together... I'll stay in the area with Katie. Oooh, do you think Kate is working at Fido? I'm not sure I'm ready to smalltalk her one on one yet? (I was thinking I could hang out there, waiting.) God, I'm rambling. Alright, I'll give you a chance to respond and do some more bleaching. I love you!