Feb 27, 2005 15:20
I am tired. I just worked out (miracle of miracles), get this... as a means of procrastination! That's how desperate it's gotten. I am so tired of doing work that I've taken to PHYSICAL EXERCISE to put it off. What the?
I WISH I could have seen you in Cabaret. I'll bet you were stupendous. Do you have publicity shots you can email or send? I wanna see. How has the English semester from hell been going otherwise? What's the book toll up to now? (Have you broken 50?) Is there snow on the ground? Do you have any more of an idea what you're doing this summer? (Cough*NotMichigan*Cough) I turned in my internship application but I probably won't know for about a week. Argh.
Okay now to go swimming through some Hegel and then some Bible. Who woulda thought I would turn out as somewhat of a bible expert? It makes me happy though because now I can have theological debates with my fundamentalist relatives who think I'm going to hell because I went to India and I can kick their asses when it comes to knowledge of their OWN religion. Ha. I don't know what it is with me and the all-caps today.
I miss you. I can't wait to see you! A few days over spring break, right?
With love and squalor,
ps- I don't know what "quixotic" means. That's why I picked it.