
May 15, 2006 23:36

Umm so after i watched the Pistons lose the worst game played all play-offs I need a pick-me-up and since I have no cahs for hookers, drugs, junk food, or guns I decided to watch Whose Line, whilst on the other channel (cuz I always need a channel to turn to during commercials) henyways Wild'n'out was one and iw as in a state of glee cuz as well all know i am the king of improv... well the special guest was Wayne Brady, who is a regualr on Whose Line... no big deal right? except on Comedy Central there was the re-run of Chapelle's show with Wayne Brady where he's gonna have to choke a bitch.... 3 for 3.. not bad but then on Logo or some channel on comcast in the 100's a re-run of the Wayne Brady show was on.... mind all of these wer eon at the same time!  Wayne Brady could take over the world if tried....

So... when the rain stops... someone take me miniature golfing...k thanx...
I moved my room around a little and i love where I put my bed ... yet i really wish it wasnt so empty and cold everynight, regardless of how many pillows an dblankets I have... ho-hum i need a vacation...

my feet hurt from wearing socks so much lately...i cant wait till my mom makes sock creatures

wow who the fuck got me into the habit of updating on a regular basis....
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