
(no subject)

Sep 29, 2010 00:05

Going through my photobucket out of sheer boredom tonight. Guess what I found.
Not SH fanart this time around. Next update, next update.

This is what my stuff looked like six years ago. I can feel my IQ dropping just looking at it.

Dodge/burn tool abuse + lens flare + slapped on textures + oogly kawaii animu = CLEARLY ARTISTIC GENIUS, Y/Y?

As if that by itself wasn't horrific enough, my fourteen year old self was quite clearly a master with markers as well.

I don't know whether to laugh or to gouge my eyes out.

Or both.

To make this more of a legit artpost (lol) I also found something I was working on in senior year (2007-2008) that I'm still fond of considering it's now fairly old. My dinosaur desktop, lovingly named Artbox, has long since bit the dust and took the photoshop file to the fiery chasm with it. I may have cried a little at the time, but they were macho tears

nonsense, son i am disappoint, punch you in the kids

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