Title: In Such a State [4/5]
seraphic_dreamRating: PGish
Warnings: 6-year-old Fem!Canada?
Summary: Alfred is just after a Christmas present for his little sister, but when he finds a life-sized, broken doll outside a shop and takes him home, he gets quite a bit more than he bargained for. Victorian!AU
Of all the thousands of possible implications of that statement, only one occurred to Arthur at that instant, and he found his mind flooded with questions that he didn’t dare ask. )
BUT SLFKDJSLFKJ. I absolutely love your characterization *_* even as a doll Arthur acts exactly like he does as a person and Alfred is smart but still his adorkable self and aaah. Their pasts are incredibly interesting and they do explain their personalities, how they came to be the way they are, but I think it's even more interesting how they are developing now, after meeting each other.
This fic is just pure awesome, Alfred's JustArthur and Arthur's doll form's Glare of Death, as well as a ton of other things crack me up, and the more serious parts, Alfred's terrible past and Arthur's troubles with his family on the other hand break my heart. You've done a wonderful job with this fic and I simply can't wait to read more <3 !
I'll tell you right now that CH5 has just been posted, so I don't have to try not to give anything away in this reply ^_^
I just love writing these boys, and I'm so glad to hear that you like the characterizations <3 It's great to hear that I've done something right. Haha.
Really, though, thanks so much <333 I hope that you still feel the same way after it's over, too~
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