Camping and Hiking

May 18, 2008 21:48

Yesterday  I went up to Rose Canyon (or something like that) with Jen and Mike to camp out.  The site was awesomely huge and spread out from others.  Ours was even on a hill of a sort.  I brought mushrooms and baby bell peppers for roasting over fire and Mike came up with the idea of stuffing cheese in them.  mmm.  I also brought chocolate cake mix and oranges, with the intent of making chocolate cake in scooped out oranges on hot coals.  It didn't work so well (didn't taste that great) but it was fun.  We went through a bunch of madlibs and went to bed with the sounds of loud, drunken college students in the background.

Today I woke up to sounds of gobbling.  Jen and I are fairly sure there must be wild turkeys up there.  We packed up and then started hiking around 9.  We finished hiking around 5.  I didn't get home till 7.  It kicked my ass.  Sure, we only hiked somewhere around 10 miles, but the majority of it was uphill.  We work our way around some huge area, thinking that we have gone as high up as we are going to, only to find out we have to go up to the Mt. Lemmon summit.  Then, after we just barely started going downhill, we couldn't find the last trail-head (which would have led us directly to our car), so we ended up walking down the ski-slope-whatever-road on track for adding an extra hour or two to our time, until two awesome people (with, randomly, rocks in their car) came down the road and let us hitchhike.

I wanted to just curl up and die several times after seeing more inclines.  And I'm going to have to do the same thing for the same amount of time in Peru (at 10,000 feet higher).  Plus, there will be two extra 5 hour hiking days added on to that.

My body hurts, I'm going to bed.

And I apologize for switching tenses so frequently. 
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