Sep 02, 2009 17:57
I'm staying out by airport Thurs-Sat due to room kerfuffles. It's good though, I need a break from room party vs hotel security drama for a year.
Will be in for badge pick up at 4 tomorrow, then Trader Vic's around 8ish to snag a table for Tongo Hiti. Everybody come by, it's becoming the annual pre-con get-together place, and we'll all need to touch base since there's no centralized location for hanging out like Farshad or I typically provide
Friday, a bunch of folks are dressing up like Mad Men 1960's and wandering around, probably hit the Time Traveller's Ball, gonna check out the dancepunk band that night.
Saturday afternoon , I'm going to Lavapalooza, then cool out somewhere to watch the Bama/Va Tech game for a bit. Hellblinki Sextet is that night too, that was good last year.
Sunday, I've got a room at the Hilton, so I check out from airport hotel, got to Drive Invasion until the evening, then throw stuff in Hilton in time for our annual "Player Haters' Ball" in room viewing of The Masquerade.
Mobile # is, as always 3 3 4 3 2 2 1 8 6 8, text me to see what's up, it's impossible to get calls in downtown ATL sometimes. I also has a twitter "ninejacknine".