(no subject)

Mar 12, 2010 15:22

I finally got my library card the other day, after like, 5 months of trying. They need both picture ID and your address on a government issued thing, but I don't have a license and don't usually carry my Health card around, so I kept forgetting one or the other. Anyway, the moral of the story is that I panicked and grabbed a cookbook so I could sign something out instead of being like 'Sweet, I have a card. ...ok, bye,' or whatever. I don't think I'll be able to make everything I want in the one week left I have with this book, so recipes: have some. All vegetarian though, sorry.

Baba Ghanouj with Pita
3 large eggplants
1 cup plain yoghurt
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tsp mince jalapeneo (or moar because MOAR)
2 tsp ground cumin
salt + pepper
1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
some pitas

1. Preheat oven to 200C (400F). Place eggplants on baking sheet and prick all over with a fork. Roast, turning occasionally, for about 1 hour. Remove and let cool. Peel them, and place in a colander to drain for about a 1/2 hour.

2. Blend eggplant into a puree in a blender or whatever you feel like blending it in. Add yoghurt, lemon juice, garlic, jalapeno, and cumin. Blend to mix. Add salt + pepper.

3. Put in in a bowl. Eat it. (This is actually a step, lol)

Baked Chips
2 baking potatoes, unpeeled and well scrubbed
1 tbsp olive oil
salt + pepper

1. Preheat oven to 200C (400F). Grease two nonstick baking pans with olive oil.

2. Cut potatoes into slices 3mm (1/8 inch) thick. Place in bowl and toss with olive oil to coat evenly. Season with salt + pepper.

3. Place on baking sheets, bake for 20-25 minutes.

Wild Rice + Mushroom Soup
1/2 cup wild rice
2 cups boiling water
salt + pepper
2 tbsp unsalted butter/margarine
1 yellow onion, finely chopped
1 celery stalk, finely chopped
1/2 cup dry white wine
3/4 lb fresh button mushrooms, brushed clean + sliced (don't scrub mushrooms, just wipe them gently)
4 cups vegetable stock or water
1/2 heavy cream

1. Rinse rice well + drain. Place in pot, add boiling water, and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Bring to a boil, reduce to medium low, cover, and cook without stirring for about 40 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool.

2. ~*Meanwhile*~, in a soup put over medium heat, melt butter. Add onion + celery and saute until vegetables are soft, about 10 minutes. Add wine and reduce over high heat until only 1-2 tbsp remain, about 3 minutes. Add mushrooms and saute until very soft, about 15 minutes.

3. Add stock, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer uncovered for 20 minutes to ~*blend the flavours*~. Add wild rice and cream and simmer for 5 more minutes. Add salt a pepper.

Apparently you have to ladle it into individual bowls, so don't go eating that right out of the pot.

Garlic Mushrooms
1 lb fresh mushrooms such as cremini, portobello, or shiitake, in any combination, brushed clean
1/4 cup unsalted butter
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp minced shallots
1 tbsp minced garlic
1/2 cup vegetable stock
salt + pepper

1. Slice mushrooms 6mm (1/4 inch) thick. You can take the stems off, if you want.

2. In a large pan over medium heat, melt the butter with olive oil. Add the shallots and garlic, and saute for about 3 minutes. Add mushrooms and saute until glossy and golden for about 8 minutes. Add stock, stir well, and cook for 2 more minutes. Add salt + pepper.

Straw Potato-Leek Cake
2lb white potatoes, peeled
3 tbsp unsalted butter
3 tbsp olive oil
2 leeks, including the green stuff, trimmed, washed, and chopped
salt + pepper

1. Put taters in a large bowl, covered in water, and let stand for 5 minutes to remove starch. Change the water when it becomes cloudy. Drain.

2. Shred dem potatoes. Place in a clean towel and wring tightly to remove moisture.

3. In a frying pan over medium heat, melt 1 tbsp of butter with 1 tbsp of olive oil. Add leeks and saute until softened, about 5 minutes, Stir in 1 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp pepper. Add leeks to potatoes (in a bowl or something), and stir well.

4. In a large, nonstick frying pan over medium-high heat, warm 2 tbsp butter and 2 tbsp oil. Add potato mixture and flatten firmly. Cover and cook over medium-high heat for 3-5 minutes. Flip, cover again, cook for another 3-5 minutes.

Babby Potatoes w/ Lemon Butter + Fresh Herbs
16 small baby potaties
2 tbsp unsalted butter
3 tbsp olive oil
grated zest + juice of 1 lemon
1 tbsp chopped fresh chives
1 tbsp chopped fresh basil
salt + pepper

1. Arrange unpeeled potatoes in a single layer in a large frying pan. Add water to cover and put over high heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer for about 10-12 minutes. Drain well.

2. In frying pan over low heat, melt butter with olive oil. Add lemon zest, chives, basil, salt, and pepper to tast. Heat gently, stirring to coat potatoes on all sides. Add lemon juice, stir well.

Baked Beets with Orange
13 small young beets with the green stuff on
1/2 cup olive oil
1/3 cup red wine vinegar
1/4 cup fresh orange juice
3 tbsp chopped fresh tarragon
salt + pepper

1. Preheat oven to 180C (350F).

2. Cut green stuff off, leaving about 1/2 inch. Discard outer leaves. Thoroughly beets + greens. Chop greens coarsely.

3. Place whole beets + the greens in a baking dish with a lid. Add 1/2 cup water, cover, placce in oven. Bake about 40-50 minutes. Remove, set aside to cool.

4. Trim off stem + root ends of beets. Peel. Slice thinly and place on serving plate. Transfer greens to plate, and apparently you have to do it all fancy, so get creative.

5. In small bowl, stir together olive oil, vinegar, orange juice, +2 tbsp of tarragon. Add salt + pepper. Pour over beets, garnish with more tarragon.

Potatoes Dauphinois
1 tbsp unsalted butter, melted
2lb russet potaters, peeled + cut into slices 6mm (1/4 inch) thick
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup shredded Gruyere cheese
1 cup half+half
salt + pepper (it says white pepper, but do what you want, don't conform)

1. Preheat oven to 180C (350F). Brush 9 inch baking dish with 2 inch sides (or... whatever you have) with melted butter.

2. Layer half of the potatoes in the dish. Sprinkle with all of the garlic and half of the cheese. Pour 1/3 cup half+half over. Add salt + pepper. Put the remaining potatoes on top, with remaining cheese. Add more salt + pepper, and the rest of the half+half.

3. Bake for about 1 hour. Put it on a baking sheet so it doesn't bubble over.

Spicy Grilled Eggplant (lol yeah, 'spicy')
2 small eggplants
salt + pepper
6 tbsp olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes

1. Cut eggplants into slices 6mm (1/4 inch) thick. Put in colander, salt liberally. Let stand for about 30 minutes. Rinse super well, pat dry with paper towel.

2. Preheat oven to 200C (400F).

3. Brush eggplants with 3 tbsp of olive oil. Add salt + pepper. Arrange on baking sheet in one layer, bake on top rack for 15 minutes. Turn occasionally.

4. Meanwhile, stir together garlic, 2 tbsp olive oil, + vinegar. Put eggplant on a plate or whatever, drizzle that over top. Add red pepper flakes (put more than 1/4 tsp goddamn), and eat.

Baked Penne with Three Cheeses
6 tbsp unsalted butter
6 tbsp all purpose flour
4 cups milk
1 1/2 cups shredded fontina cheese
1/3 gorgonzola cheese, cut into small pieces
1 cup grated parmesan
salt + pepper
3/4 lb dried penne
1/2 cup bread crumbs

1. In large saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. Whisk in flower + cook, stirring continuously, for 2 minutes, do not brown. Gradually whisk in milk + cook, stirring constantly, until it's smooth, about 5 minutes. Add fontina, gorgonzola, + parmesan, stir until melted. Add salt + pepper, remove from heat.

2. Preheat oven to 190C (375F). Lightly grease a baking dish.

3. Bring large pot of salted water to boil. Make pasta until al dente. Drain, add to sauce, toss gently to mix. Put pasta + sauce in the prepared dish. Sprinkle evenly with bread crumbs. Bake until golden brown, 20-30 minutes. Let cool for about 5 minutes before serving.

Vegetable Curry with Brown Rice
1 cup short or long grain brown rice
3 tbsp unsalted butter
2 yellow onions, quartered
2 celery stalks, finely diced
2 carrots, peeled + cut into little slices
1 fresh jalapeno or serrano, seeded + minced
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp all purpose flour
6 small red potatoes
3 cups vegetable stock
3 tbsp curry powder
2 tbsp peeled and minced or grated fresh ginger
1/4 cup canned coconut milk
3 cups each of broccoli and cauliflower florets

1. Rinse rice well and drain. In heavy saucepan over high heat, combine 3 cups of water + 1/2 tsp salt, bring to a boil. Add rice, stir once or twice, reduce to low. Cover for about 45 minutes. Do not remove the cover.

2. Meanwhile, in a large soup pot over medium-high heat, melt butter. Add onions, celery, carrots, cook for about 10 minutes. Reduce heat to medium, add peppers + garlic, cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Sprinkle flours over, cook, stirring, for 2 minutes longer.

3. Cut potatoes in half. Add to vegetables along with stock, curry powder, ginger, + coconut milk. Cover and simmer gently, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes. Add cauliflower and broccoli, continue to simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 20 more minutes.

4. Put rice on plates, put curry on top.

recipes, sharing is caring

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