Nov 13, 2005 13:53
Really awesome day yesterday. I posed for my friend's photo project and actually liked the pictures! I was so surprised. I mean I knew she was talented but the fact that she made me like myself is an amazing feat. I can't wait to get a some of them on CD. Not too sure what I would do with them except take a gander at them once in awhile and be awed and say "Is that really me?" "Do I really look like that sometimes." And the answer is....i do. The camera does not lie...thankfully.
Then she treated me to sushi. So nice and so yummy!
Then it was work and I watched the "House of Wax" which surprisingly held my attention and creeped me out enough to make me keep one light on.
Today, it's more work and chocolate chips cookies with one of my favorite girlies!