Movies are Great

May 23, 2005 18:58

so sunday i went to the movies with daria we went to go se hitchhikers guide to the galaxy very funny movie so we get there and the only other people in the theater were 2 old people 20mins in the movie they get up and just leave i was guessing maybe the viagra kicked in and they needed to go tend to that pork sword, bone saber what ever you want to call it so during the movie i decided i was going to take darias shoes............and i did it was hard the first time i went fo them she reached down to stop me and in the moment my neck was cought in between the chair and her arm yeah so i choke for a sec very funny after the movie we sat outside the theater for like 20mins talking and we decided to go to sonic i was sad daria didnt like mylimp french fri it made me sad not really but what ever she ordered a sonic blast she asked if i wanted any so i had some and wiped some on her nose she seemed a little annoyed but i felt playful that night and i love to be playful if you dont think so try me you'll find out oh and yes while im talking i forgot to i was going to rub your back because you said it hurt find me or call me if it still hurts me and my magical hands will make you feel like you dont ever want to get up ever again well i have to go my sis needs the computer to do something i dont know what but ill be nice for once and do it so good night kids and if you want to if your bored or just want to talk call me :)
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