Jan 29, 2008 15:52
Two drabbles I did for the Firefly 100 and posted directly on the comm, here for tidiness. Both friendshippy Rayne, more than that if you like on the second one.
Title: Keep
Author: Jaynedancing aka 9_Things
Characters: River/Jayne
Prompt: Keep (as in castle in this case)
Word Count: 200
Rating: U
Disclaimer: Not mine, no money, please don't sue.
Note: Done in a heck of a rush as I was running out of time and un-beta'd.
Jayne came down the Cargo bay stairs and found that the cargo he’d stowed not two hours earlier with care and much grumbling had been moved.
A head popped up from inside the wall of crates, a broom was brandished like a weapon.
“Who dares to approach my castle?”
“Gorramn it crazy!” Jayne approached the barricade and laid hands on a crate. He was poked firmly with the broom handle.
“Back villain!”
“Crazy.” Jayne’s voice was dangerous, “Poke me one more time ‘an yer gonna be sweepin’ up as ya help me put all this back by virtue of havin’ it shoved up yer pi gu.”
Her head disappeared; from the mumbling that floated over the crate wall he caught, “... no fun… mother… hamster…fart…elderberries.”
She reappeared, looking preposterously sad. Jayne’s shoulders slumped. “Whatcha want me to do?”
“Rescue the princess?” River said hopefully.
“Thought you was the defending army?”
River bounced a little, “Now I am a Princess.”
Jayne mumbled something complicated, Chinese and uncomplimentary under his breath. “How’d I do that then?”
River smiled sunily; she gathered up her hair and flopped it over the crate wall. “Climb up my hair.” She said hopefully.
“Doc!” yelled Jayne.
Title: Ground Bass and Melody
Pairings/Characters: River/Jayne
Author: Jaynedancing aka 9_Things
Prompt: Ground (See notes)
Word count: 100
Rating: PG (could be U)
Disclaimer: not mine, broke, suing pointless.
Notes: I was looking up dictionary definitions of "ground" for my first idea that didn't fly. I dicovered that "Ground" is an abbreviation used for "Ground bass" def: a short musical passage continually repeated by the bass as the basis for a changing melody. So I looked up some other musical terms and this came out. I think I have everything right but feel free to point out where I've stuffed up and yes, this may just be sliding a little too close to pretentious clap trap, but hey.
Ground Bass and Melody
Separately, on the good days scales, diatonic, chromatic, or any other form, but scales, a logical progression between five and twelve, up or down, calculations, plans, reason.
On the bad days capriccioso, un-predicable, volatile, soup in the hair, evaporating flowers in the galley, dancing purple unicorns in the cargo bay.
Bellicoso led to a slashing knife, until it calmed, modified, became ground bass.
Ground bass, the thump of a steady heart, circular grumbling, the strain and grunt of lifted weights, the chink of spoon on bowl.
Something she can build a melody on.
It isn’t love.
But it is music.
fairy tales,
firefly 100,
river tam,
jayne cobb